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Court Records of Prince George's County, Maryland 1696-1699.
Volume 202, Page 35   View pdf image (33K)
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pounds of tobacco[e the debt] aforesaid alsoe the Sume of two hundred and
Sixteen pounds of tobaccoe [his damages] by Occation of detaining the Said
Debt to the Said William Conley of his Assent by the [Court here] Adjudged etc.
And the Said Richard Addis in mercy etc.

The aforesaid Action was transmitted out of the Records of Calv[ert County].

William Dent plantiffe: Joseph Stevens Defendant.

The plantiffe by Christopher Gregory his attorney Sues the Defendant for
Ei[ght] hundred thirty four pounds of good Sound Merchantable Leafe to[bacco]
and Caske due by bill as by the Said bill dated the 14th day of June 1692 and
decler[ation] Appeareth etc.

And the Said plantiffe by his attorney aforesaid haveing Issued out two writts
against [the] Defendant which Said two writts by the Sheriffe of this County was
Returned that [the] Defendant was not to be found in his balywick and alsoe
have Caused a Coppy of the [Cause] of Action to be left att the place were the
defendants Last aboade was in this County [and] further it is testified on the
behalfe of the plantiffe here in Court that the Sa[id] Defendant is a Forreinor
and no Inhabitant in this province Whereupon the S[aid] plantiffe by his At-
torney aforesaid prayeth an attechment against the goods and Ch[attles] and
Creditts of the Said Joseph Stevens as well for the Said Sume of Eight hundred
thir[ty] four pounds of tobaccoe the debt aforesaid as alsoe the Sume of three
hundred Sixty pounds of tobacco to the Said William Dent for his Cost and
Charges in this behalfe Expended And by the Court here it is granted unto him

Gaven Hambleton plantiffe: William Jones Defendant.

Prince Georges County Ss. William Jones otherwise called William Jones of
Prince Ge[orges] County was Sumoned to answer unto Gaven Hambleton of a
plea that he rend[er unto] him the Sume and quantity of Six hundred and Sixty
one pounds of good well Conditioned tobaccoe and Caske to Containe the Same
whi[ch] to him he owe[d and] unjustly deteyneth etc.

And whereupon the Said Gaven by William Stone his attorney Saith that
whereas the Said William [the] 23d day of February in the yeare of our Lord
1693 [1694] at Charles Towne within the Jurisdiction of this [Court by] his
Certaine bill obligatory which the Said Gaven with the Scale of the Said William
signed [brings] here into Court the date whereof is the day and yeare aforesaid
Acknowledged himselfe [indebted unto] the Said Gaven in the Said Sume and
quantyty of Six hundred and Sixty one pounds of good sound we[ll] Conditioned
tobaccoe and Caske to be paid to the Said Gaven upon Demand at some Con-
venient[t place] att the western branch of Pattuxon to the which payment well
and truly to be made the Said Willi[am] bound himselfe firmly by the Said
bill nevertheless the Said William the Said Sume and qua[ntity] of 661 lbs. of
tobaccoe aforesaid and Caske although often Required the Same to the Said
Gav[en has] not Rendered but hath hitherto Refused and Still doth Refuse to
the Damage of the Said Gaven [illegible] lbs. of tobaccoe and thereof he
bringeth his Suite etc. William Stone.

Pledges etc. John Doe, Richard Roe.

The plantiffe by his attorney Sues the Defendant for Six hundred Sixty and
one pounds of tobaccoe by bill as by Decleration filed appeareth etc. And


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Court Records of Prince George's County, Maryland 1696-1699.
Volume 202, Page 35   View pdf image (33K)
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