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Court Records of Prince George's County, Maryland 1696-1699.
Volume 202, Page 36   View pdf image (33K)
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Whereupon the Defendant in his propper [person] Cometh here into Court and
Acknowledged himselfe Indebted unto the Said plantiffe in the [36] Sume of
Six hundred Sixty and one pounds of tobaccoe in manner and forme as in the
decleration aforesaid is declared against him etc.

Therefore it is Considered by the Court here that the Said Gaven Hambleton
Recover against the Said William Jones as well the Said Sume of Six hundred
Sixty and one pounds of tobaccoe the debt aforesaid as alsoe the Sume of two
hundred and fourteen pounds of tobaccoe his damages by Occation of Deteyning
the Said Debt to the Said Gaven Hambleton of his assent by the Court here
Adjudged etc. And the Said William Jones in mercy etc.

This following Action was transmitted out of the Records of Calvert County

[Richa]rd Brightwell Plantiffe: [Josep]h Letchworth Defendant.

Whereas att a Court held at Charles Towne the [words omitted] in June
Last past an Order past that An Attachment Should Issue out against the
Estate of Joseph Letchworth at the Suite of Richard Brightwell for Eight
hundred pounds of tobaccoe Debt and Seaven hundred and twenty pounds of
tobaccoe Cost of Suite Obtained in Calvert County Court as by Declaration filed
in this Court Appeareth etc.

Whereupon Command is given to the Sheriffe of Prince Georges County that
of the goods Debts and Chatties of the Said Joseph Letchworth if found in this
County He attech Soe much as may amount and Yeild as well the Sume of
[Eight] Hundred lbs. of tobaccoe a Certaine Debt due by bill as alsoe the Sume of
Seaven hundred and twenty pounds of tobaccoe Cost of Suite and Likewise that
he Summonds any such persons or persons in Whose hands he Should Attech
the Said Debt and Cost or any part thereof that they be and Appeare before
the Justices of Prince Georges County Court to be held att Charles Towne the
fourth Tuesday in August next to Shew Cause if any they have why the Same
should not be Condemmed and hereof he was not to faile and have there the
Said writt Dated the 24th day of June Annoque Domini 1696.

William Cooper Clerk Cranford Attorney.

Att which Said fourth Tuesday in August Came the Said Sheriffe and made
Returne of the Said writt Endorsed on the back as Followeth. (Viz.)

Atteched in the hands of John Dunkin two Cowes and Calves Appraised to
the Sume of Sixteen hundred pounds of tobaccoe Appraised by William Mills
and John Dunkin.

per: Thomas Greenfeild Sheriffe.

And the Said Richard Brightwell by Joshua Cecell his Attorney Cometh here
into Court and prayeth the Said two Cowes and Calves Appraised as aforesaid
may be Condemmed for the use of the Said Richard Brightwell and that Execu-
tion thereof may be had and made etc. And by the Court here it is granted unto
him. And hereupon the Said Richard Brightwell together with Joshua Cecell his
Securyty doe undertake for them and Every of them to make restitution to the
Said Joseph Letchworth of the Said Sume of Sixteen hundred pounds of tobaccoe
Soe as aforesaid the vallew of the two Cowes and Calves Condemmed as afore-
said if hee the Said Joseph Letchworth Shall at any time within one yeare and
a day Come here and Appeare to the Originall Action against him and make
it Appeare that the Said Richard Brightwell hath been and is Sattisfied his
demand aforesaid or Shall otherwise discount or barr the Said Richard Bright-
well of the Same or any part thereof etc.


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Court Records of Prince George's County, Maryland 1696-1699.
Volume 202, Page 36   View pdf image (33K)
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