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Court Records of Prince George's County, Maryland 1696-1699.
Volume 202, Page 34   View pdf image (33K)
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ballance of Account as by Decleration filed and Account here Sett downe Ap-

Richard Edwards Debtor to Edward
and Dudley Carleton 1692

lbs. tobacco per: Contra Credit
To the ballance of Account lbs. tobacco

then Setled ............... 1529 By John Mills ............... 100

To your bill Assigned by By 1 hdds: tobacco neate .... 406

John Gardner ............ 1100 By 1 hdds: neate Feb: 92/3 .. 422

[16]93 Aprill 8th By 1 hdds tobacco: neate ..... 460

To goods paid you .......... 0426 By 2 hdds tobacco: neate ..... 844

To your bill past on Account By 1 hdds: tobacco: neate

of Hugh Reyley ........... 0460 1693/4 ................... 404

To your Account and Assump- By 1 hdds: tobacco: neate ..... 440

tion On Account H. True- _____

man ...................... 431 3076

———— Due to balance .............. 870

August the 5th 1696 Errors Excepted per Robert Bradly ....................... 3946

The Defendant in his propper person Cometh here into Court and Acknowl-
edged himselfe to be Indebted unto the Said plantiffs the Said Sume of Eight
hundred and Seaventy lbs. of tobaccoe the ballance of Account aforesaid and
desired that there might bee Judgment Eentred against him for the Same.

Therefore it is Considdered by the Court here that the Said Edward and
Dudley Carleton Recover against the Said Richard Edwards as well his damages
aforesaid by occation of not performing his promise and Assumption aforesaid
to Eight hundred and Seaventy lbs. of tobaccoe as alsoe Sume of two hundred
and Eighteen pounds of tobaccoe to the Said Edward and Dudley Carleton att
their Request for their Cost and Charges in this behalfe Expended by the Court
here Adjudged and the Said Richard Edwards in mercy etc.

[William] Conlie plantiffe: [Richjard Addis defendant.

The plantiffe by Joshua Cecell his attorney Sues the Defendant for the Just
Sume and neate quantity of Eight hundred pounds of good Sound and bright
and Cleane Marchantable tobaccoe and Caske to Containe the Same as by
Decleration and bill filed dated the twenty Seaventh day of Aprill Annoque
Domini 1695. Appeareth etc.

The Defendant by Thomas Hughes his attorney Cometh into Court and
defendeth the force and Injury when etc. and prayeth Lycence to Imparle till
next Court and it is granted unto him the Same Day is given to the plantiffe

And now here at this day (to witt) the 25th day of August Annoque Domini

[35] Came the Said Richard Addis into open Court and did declare that hee
did owe the [Said William] Conley the Said Sume and neate quantity of Eight
hundred pounds of tobaccoe According [to the] tennor of the Said bill obliga-
tory and desired the Same might be Judgment Entred for [in the] Records of
this Court.

Therefore it is Considered by the Court here that the Said William Conley
Reco[ver of the] Said Richard Addis as well the Said Sume of Eight hundred


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Court Records of Prince George's County, Maryland 1696-1699.
Volume 202, Page 34   View pdf image (33K)
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