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Court Records of Prince George's County, Maryland 1696-1699.
Volume 202, Page 33   View pdf image (33K)
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and [bill] filed appeareth etc. Dated the Eleventh day of Aprill Anno Domini
1690. And the Said Hugh Ryley in his propper person Cometh here in to Court
in his prop[per] person and Acknowledged himselfe to be Indebted unto the
aforesaid plan tiff e in the S[ume] of five hundred twenty three pounds of
tobacco in Caske According to the tennor of the Sa[me] and desiers that there
might be Judgment Entred for the Same.

Therefore itt is Considered by the Court here that the Said plantiffe Recover
against the [Said] Defendant the Said Sume of five hundred twenty three pounds
of tobaccoe the Debt, [aforesaid] as alsoe the Sume of two hundred and Sixteene
pounds of tobaccoe his Cost and Charges to the Said Thomas Ta[ney] Executor
aforesaid of his Assent by the Court here Adjudged etc. And the Said Hugh
[Ryley] in mercy etc.

Edward Batson plantiffe: John Mills Defendant.

The plantiffe by Joshua Cecell his attorney Sues the Defendant for four
hundred pounds of [illegible] Sound Large bright and dry Leafe tobaccoe and
Caske to Containe the Same as by the [Said bill] Dated the 27th day of March
Annoque Domini 1695 and decleration filed Appeareth.

And the Said John Mills in his proper person Cometh here into Court and
Acknowledged him[selfe] himselfe to be Indebted unto the Said Edward Batson
in the Said Sume of four hundred po[unds] of tobaccoe According to the tennor
of the Said bill and desiers that Judgment may be Entred f[or the] Same.
Therefore itt is Considered by the Court here that the Said Edward Batson
Recover against the Said [John] Mills as well the Said Sume of four hundred
pounds of tobaccoe the Debt due by bill aforesaid as alsoe [the Sume] of two
hundred and Sixteen pounds of tobaccoe his Cost and Charges to the Said
Edward Batson of [his] Assent by the Court h[ere] Adjudged etc. and the Said
John Mills in mercy etc.

[34] [John] Marsh and Company plantiffe: [Rob]ert Biggs Defendant.

The plantiffs by Joshua Cecell their Attorney Sues the Defendant for Eight
hundred and nineteen pounds of good Sound Marchantable Leafe tobaccoe in
Caske Cleare of all manner of trash and ground Leaves due by bill as by the
Said bill dated the 7th day of June Anno Domini 1695 and Decleration filed

The Defendant in his proper person Cometh here in to Court and Acknowl-
edged himselfe to be Indebted unto the Said plantiffes the Said Sume of Eigh
hundred and ninteen lbs. of tobaccoe According to the tennor of the Said bill
and desired that there might bee Judgment Entred for the Same.

Therefore it is Considered by the Court here that the Said John Marsh and
Company Recover against the Said Robert Biggs as well the Said Sume of Eight
hundred and nineteen pounds of tobaccoe the Debt aforesaid as alsoe the Sume
of two hundred and Sixteene pounds of tobaccoe their Damages by Occation of
detaining the Said Debt to the Said John Marsh and Company of his Assent
by the Court here Adjudged etc. and the Said Robert Biggs in mercy etc.

[Edw]ard and Dudley Carleton plantiffe: [Ri]chard Edward Defendant.
The plantiffs by Joshua Cecell their Attorney Sues the defendant in an Action
of trespass upon the Case being for a Certaine debt for damages due uppon the


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Court Records of Prince George's County, Maryland 1696-1699.
Volume 202, Page 33   View pdf image (33K)
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