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Court Records of Prince George's County, Maryland 1696-1699.
Volume 202, Page 32   View pdf image (33K)
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both which was by the Sheriffe of Prince George's County Returned that the
Said Jenkin Smith is not to be found in his balywicke and also have Sent a
Coppy of the Cause of Action to the Sheriffe and Left att the house were the
Said Jenkin Smith Last Lived in this County Whereupon the Said Thomas Taney
Executor aforesaid by Joshua Cecell his Attorney prayes an Attechment against
the Said Jenkin Smiths goods Chatties and Creditts that may befound in this
County as well for the Said Sume of five Hundred twenty five pounds of tobaccoe
the Debt due by bill aforesaid as allsoe the Sume of three hundred and thirty
pounds of tobacco to the Said Thomas Taney Executor aforesaid att his
Request for his Cost and Charges in this behalfe Laid out and Expended by the
Court here Adjudged etc. And by the Said Court here itt is granted unto him etc.

[33] Edward and Dudly Carleton plantiffe: Thomas Bankes Defendant.

The plantiffs by Joshua Cecell their attorney Came here into Court and
leavied t[heir] plaint against the Said Thomas Bankes late of Prince Georges
County Marrynor of a plea [of] trespass upon the Case etc. being for Six Shil-
lings and four pence Sterling and Eight hundred and of tobaccoe a
Certaine Debt for Damages upon the ballance of Account as by Decleration filed
here under Sett downe Appeareth etc.
Capt. Thomas Bankes Debtor to Messrs.

Carletons May 14th 1694. Per Contra Credit
To the ballance of Ac-
count made up when By due to you in
you went out of the £. s d tobacco Account .......... [illegible]

Country 1: 18: 4 By tobacco Received for

Ibs tobacco goods Sould ............... [illegible]

To paid Secretarys Fees £ s d
about the salt ....... 440 By Mr. William Barton 0: 16: 0:

To paid Mr. Dent At- By Thomas Brooke

torneys Fees ......... 800 Esq. ............... 0: 16: 0:

To paid the Sheriffe and __________

Cryers Fees ......... 420 1: 12 O [850]

————————— By due to ballance in
1660 1: 18: 04 money 06s 04d: in

tobacco ............ [850]

And the Said plantiffes by their Attorney aforesaid haveing Issued out one
writt against the [Defendant which Said writt was by the Sheriffe of this
County Returned that the Said Thomas Bankes [was not] to be found in his
balywicke and further it is testified here in Court that the Said Defendant [was
a] forreigner and no Inhabitant in this province Whereupon the Said plantiffes
prayes an Attachment] against the goods and Chatties of the Said Thomas
Bankes if they shall be found in this County as w[ell] for the Sume of Six
Shillings and four pence and Eight hundred and fifty pounds of tobaccoe the
Debt for Dam[ages] aforesaid as alsoe for the Sume of three hundred and thirty
pounds of tobaccoe the Said plantiff[es] Cost and Charges in this behalfe Laid
out and Expended etc. And by the Court here it is granted unto them.

Thomas Taney Executor Michael Taney plantiffe: Hugh Ryley Defendant.

The plantiffe by Joshua Cecell his attorney Sues the Defendant for the Sume

of f[ive] hundred twenty three pounds of tobaccoe due by bill as by Decleration


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Court Records of Prince George's County, Maryland 1696-1699.
Volume 202, Page 32   View pdf image (33K)
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