Jones, John Hallum, Martin Falkner, John Forrest, William Powell, John
Cossens, Allexander Harbert, Charles Beall. Supoenaed per Thomas Green-
feild, Sheriffe.
The aforesaid Jurors haveing all of them taken Oath of a Grand Jury went
out to Consider of what presentments Should Come before them And in Some
Small time Returned with these presentments following (Viz.)
Prince Georges County Ss. The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord the King upon
their oaths doe present Hugh Ryley of the County aforesaid planter for that he
the Said Hugh well knowing Thomas Hollyday gentleman to be one of his
Majesties our Sovereigne Lord the King that now is his Commisoner Assigned
to hear and determine divers fellonyes trespasses and Misfeazantses alsoe to keep
the peace in the County aforesaid Rightly and Justly According to the Lawes
and Customes of the Kingdome And this Province but Endeavouring and
Intending him the Said Thomas then a Commissoner as aforesaid into great
Scandall and Infamy to bring as allso unjustly and Wickedly to deframe the
27th day of August in the ninth yeare of the Reigne of our Said Sovereigne Lord
the King that now is Att Charles Towne within the Jurisdiction of this Court
these following falce Scandalous and Opprobrious [234] English Words of
the Said Thomas And to him directed in the presence of and heareing of
Verry many of his Majesties: good Leige Subject did Speake publish and pro-
claime that is to Say (All the beasts of the Forrest meaning the Suitors to the
Said County Court are Come in to wait upon an Ass) meaning the Said Thomas
when indeed the Said Thomas is not An Ass but a man different in Species
as well as kind from an Ass being a Rationable Creature whereas an Ass is a
bruite not indued with Reason being against all good manners which may tend
to the breach of the Kings Peace Raising of Quarrells and Effusion of blood by
reason of these base and Scurrilous words aforesaid by the Said Hugh Spoken
and published as aforesaid And in Contempt of his Said Majesties Crown and
dignity And the forme of the Stattute in that Case made and provided etc.
William Bladen Clerk of the Crowne and Domini Regis.
The witnesses Sworne was Mr. Thomas Hollyday, David Small, James Stod-
dart, Henry Bonner And Josias Towgood and then Sent to the Grand Jury.
On the back of the aforesaid bill of Indictment was Endorsed (Billa Vera)
per James Moore foreman.
Prince Georges County Ss.
The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord the King upon their oaths doe present
Joshua Hall of the County aforesaid planter for that he the Said Joshua the 27th
day of August in the ninth yeare of the Reigne of our Said Sovereigne Lord the
King that now is at Charles Towne within the Jurisdiction of this Court well
knowing Thomas Hollyday of the County aforesaid gentleman to be one of his
Said Majesties the Kings Commisoners to hear and determine diver felonyes
trespasses and Misfeazances in the County aforesaid as alsoe to keep the peace
therein Rightly and Justly according to the Lawes Customes and Ordinances of
the Kingdome of England and this province Yett designing and Endeavouring
him the Said Thomas into great Scandall and Infamy to bring not only with his
Said Sacred Majesty whose true Liege Subject even from the time of his Nativity
he ever was and Still is but allsoe to traduce and Render him Odious and
Infamous to all other his Majesties good Subjects directing his Speech to the Said
Thomas did Loudly proclaime and falsly Say that he the Said Thomas was a
foole and a Roague And that he (meaning himselfe the Said Joshua Hall [)]