Land was not a Sufficient title for them to purchase the Same as the Law
Whereupon it is Ordered by the Court here that the Sheriffe Summonds a
good Sufficient Jury and the Surveyour of this County to meet at Charles Towne
upon the aforesaid Land the First Tuesday in November next And then and
there to Lay out two Acres of Land for the use of the Church And alsoe three
Acres of Land for the use of the Court house According to Act of Assembly in
that Case made and provided etc.
[227] The Vestry of this Parrish inspecting into An Act of Assembly made at
Annopolis May 1697 for the Confirming titles of Land Given for the uses of
Churches and Severall Chappies within this province impowering the Commis-
oners of the Respective Counties and Vestryes of the Respective Parishes to take
up Sertaine parcells of Land for the use of the Same d[o]e humbly Request this
Worshipfull Court to make inspection into the Said Act of Assembly and to doe
therein as their Worships Shall think Meet (Wee the Vestry doubting of the
Sufficiency of the Land whereon the Church of St. Pauls Stands.
Copia of the order per Edward Willett Clerk of the Vestry of St. Pauls.
The above Request of the Vestry of St. Pauls Church being Read, it is ordered
that the Land above Requested Shall be Laid out by a Jury and the Surveyour
of this County the first Tuesday in November next as is before ordered by this
Court about the Church and Court house Lands in folio 226 of this booke.
To the Worshipfull the Justices of Prince Georges County the Petition of
Christophe Baynes Humbly Sheweth.
That your Petitioner Living near this towne is Soe opprest with horses that
makes theire Escape from hence that your petitioner Cannot make Corne to Eat
Notwithstanding its most of my Care to keep them out yet Cannot prevaile your
petitoner humbly Requests the favour of this Court to turne the Roade that goes
upwards from this Side of my plantation into the Woods and to Come out at
Charles branch hopeing thereby to Save my Labour and your petitioner as in
duty bound Shall for Ever Pray.
Upon the above petition it is ordered that if Christopher Baynes Cann make
as good a Roade as is now made And Acquaint the Justices thereof the next Court
and if they Approve of the Same that then this Court will make a new order
And alsoe ordered that Mr. Robert Tylor Looke uppon the new way petitioned
for and give Report thereof to the next Court.
Ordered that the Sheriffe Cause the Ordinary keepers in this towne to Come
into Court Upon which Imediatly Appeared in Court Jonathan Willson, Charles
Tracy and William Groome being all the Ordinary keepers in this towne And by
the Court here it was Demanded of them to Acquaint the Court if they were
quallyfied with Accomedations for men and horse According to Act of Assembly
in that Case made and provided etc.
And they all Answered that by Reason of their Soe lately Coming to this towne
this being a new County and the Ships Staying Soe Long out of this Country they
was not fully provided as the Law Requiers but all of them did promise that they
would be quallyfied for Ordinary keeping as Soone as Conveniency would permitt
them etc. And According to Law etc.