Answer for the Said Ninian Beall in the plea aforesaid to be given and nothing
more thereof Saith by which the Said James Martin Remaineth against the Said
Ninian Beall thereof undefended etc.
Therefore it is Considered that the Said James Martin Recover against the Said
Ninian Beall the Sume of two thowsand Seaven hundred Eighty and one pounds
of tobaccoe his Debt aforesaid And his Damages by Occation of detaining of
the Said Debt three hundred and twenty pounds of tobaccoe to the Said James
Martin of his Assent by the Court here Adjudged etc. And the Said Ninian
Beall in mercy etc.
Otho Holland plantiffe: Thomas Orton Defendant
The plantiffe by James Cranford his Attorney brought his Majesties writt of
Capias against the Defendant in a plea of trespass upon the Case etc. And hath
not procecuted his Said writt with Effect. Therefore he and his pledges of proce-
cuteing be in mercy etc. Lett the names of the pledges be Sought etc. And the
Said Thomas Orton goe thereof without day etc. It is Likewise Considered that the
Said Thomas Orton Recover against the Said Otho Holland his damages by
Occation of the premises to two hundred Sixty five pounds of tobaccoe to the
Said Thomas Orton by the discretion of the Justices here at his Request for his
Costs and Charges in this behalfe Sustained According to the forme of the Statute
etc. And by the Court here Adjudged etc.
Hugh Ryley desiers his marke may be Recorded (Viz.) A Cropp and An hole
in Each Eare.
[221] Mr. Edward Battson prayed Leave to be Sworne an Attorney of this Court
upon which he tooke the Oaths Appointed by Act of Parlyment and the oath of
an Attorney of this Court And thereupon Admitted.
John Deakins, John Blackston, Susanna Hatton, Thomas Hatton, Josias Tow-
good and Robert Carse Sworne for Charles Tracy against John Garrett. William
Bladen and Josias Towgood Subpoenaed and Sworne for Garrett at the Suite of
Tracey. John Deakins, Josias Towgood and Robert Carse Subpoenaed and
Sworne for John Davis against John Garrett. And Susanna Hatton Subpoenaed
and Sworne for John Garrett at the Suite of John Davis.
Ordered that Thomas Keniston be Sumoned against next Court to Answer
unto a former Complaint of Thomas Simons etc.
Then did the Court Adjourne for one hower and then Satt as followeth (Viz.)
Present. Mr. Thomas Hollyday, Mr. Robert Tylor, Mr. John Smith, Mr.
Samuell Magruder, Mr. Thomas Sprigg, Commisoners.
Thomas Hatton Allowed one day Attendance, Susana Hatton five dayes and
John Blackston five dayes being all Subpoenaed for Charles Tracey against John
Garrett And Ordered that Charles Tracey pay the Same at thirty lbs. of tobaccoe
for Each day.
Ordered that Richard Marsham pay Samuell Williams for two dayes Attend-
ance for him against James Watts he haveing Sworne to the Same at 30 lbs.
tobaccoe per day.