tobacco Likewise kept and maintained an Indian an whole yeare and an Negroe
a whole winter in hopes of Cure notwithstanding it hath pleased God that no
Cure Cann Possiblely be had but reather worse that [all] my good freinds dis-
paire of doeing any more in that Nature and also your Petitioner] destitute of
all meanes or possibility of makeing my good [page damaged], [25] Satisfac-
tion and now your worships petitioner haveing no were to Address himselfe
but to your worships trusting to your worshipps Charryty hoping that your wor-
shipp[s] will be pleased to take it into your worships Consideration that your
worshipps petitioner Perrish not and your worshipps petioner Shall pray as in
Duty bound.
Ordered by the Court here that John Browne be allowed in the Leavie this
yeare Eighft] hundred pounds of tobacco for the Maintaining of the Said
Nicholas Baker.
To the Worshipfull the Comisoners for Prince Georges County in the province
of Maryland.
The humble Petition of William Prather planter Sheweth. That your petti-
tioner haveing occation to goe to Annoppolis and returning homeward went
through the Land of John Joyce the Roade Lying through the Said Land to
Annoppoli[s] was verry much abused with abusive words and threatnings there-
fore your petitioner Request is that your worshipps will be pleased to grant an
order that the Said Joyce may Suffer your petitioner to pass through the planta-
tion or Else to Cleare a Convenient way for to pass and Repass without Dis-
turbance and your pettitioner Shall Ever pray etc.
The above petition by the Court here is Condemned.
To the Worshipfull the Comisoners of Prince Georges County Court the
petition of John Murth humbly Sheweth.
That whereas your petitioners Father Dying in your petitioners minority
after whose Decease Mr. Richard Charlett Lately deceased did Administer,
upon your petitioners Fathers Estate and Since your petitioner has Come of
age has Searched the Records of the Comisioners office and in the Said Records
i[t] appears by the apraisement Exhibeted into the Said office by Mr. Charlett of
my Fathers Estat[e] that there is due to me about Eleven thowsand lbs. tobacco
and that whereas Since the death of Mr. Charlett Administration of the Said
Charletts Estate hath been Committed in to the hands of Mr. Thomas Greenfeild
whereupon your petitioner humbly Request your worships t[o] make an order
of this Court that the Said Administrator of Mr. Charletts Estate may make pay-
ment to me out of Mr. Charletts Estate whatt Shall Appeare to be your peti-
tioners Just due and your petitioner as in Duty bound Shall Ever pray etc.
The above petition being Read It is the opinion of the Court that it doth not
Lye within the Jurisdiction of this Court therefore by the Court dismised.
To the Worshipfull Commisioners for Prince Georges County in the province
of Maryland.
The humble petition of William Offoott Shew.
That your Petitioner hath been at greate Charges for the purchaseing and
makeing a plantation in the woods Now the humble Request of your petitioner
is that your worships will bee pleased to grant him an order to the overseer