Cherefully and dilligen[tly serve] you therein your poore petitioner humbly prays
that your worshipp will Set[tle] Annually upon him Soe much as this worshipfull
bench Shall think in their [wisdom] Convenient and your petitioner as in Duty
bound Shall for Ever pray.
The above petition being Read by t[he Justices] [page damaged] Leavie.
[18] George Plater Esq. his Majestys Attorney Generall of the province of
Maryland [to] William Bladen Gentleman Greeting.
Know you that for the Spetiall trust and Confidence I have and doe repose in
your Abillyty and Learning in the Law I doe hereby Constitute and depute you
the Said William Bladen to be Clarke of the peace in Prince Georges County to
hold the Said Office with the Perquisites thereto belonging dureing pleasure.
Wittness my hand and Scale this 17th day of June in the Eight yeare of the
Reigne of King William etc. Annoque Domini 1696.
George Plater (Scale)
The afore written being Read by the Justices was Approved off.
Prince Georges County Ss.
By vertue of an order from the worshipfull Court of Prince Georges County
sitting a[t Char]les Towne in the aforesaid County to Lay out a Certaine Lott of
ground Appointed to Erect and [build] a Court house and other Conveniencys
as the worshippfull Court Shall Appoint. In Obedience thereunto I have this
day Laid out according to the platt or Carte of [the] aforesaid towne the Said
Lotts or Plott of ground Begining att a Post or Stake in the afore[said] Towne
and Runing South: 19 degrees 45 Minutes Easterly 27 perches and 4 Feet
thence South 48 degrees 40 minutes Westly: 22 perches and 15 Feet thence North
19 degrees 45 minutes Westerly for 27 perches and 4 Feet thence North 48
degrees 40 minutes Easterly] 22 perches and 15 Feet to the first post or bound
of the Said Plott of ground Now Laid out According to the Plott this twenty
fourth day of June Annoque Domini 1696.
per me, Thomas Addison Deputy Surveyor.
[Maryland Ss.
To the Worshipfull the Justices of Prince Georges County.
Whereas An Act of Assembly made at the port of Annopolis the Eight day of
May Last past Intituled and Act for the Devission and Regulateing Severall
Countyes within this province and Constituteing a County By the name of
Prince Georges County within the Same province. And whereas the Said Act
of Assembly for division of the Said County did Nominate and Appoint Mr.
Robert Mason, Mr. James Keech for St. Maryes County Mr. William Hutchinson
and Mr. Thomas Greenfeild for Prince Georges County, and Mr. John Bayne
and Mr. James Bigger for Charles County. In Obedience thereunto wee John
Bayne, William Hutchinson, Thomas Greenfeild haveing met this day for the
devideing Prince Georges County from Charles County did Call before us
Edward Batson Surveyor of Calvert County and Joseph Maning Surveyor of
Charles County and did Cause them to begin the Said Devision att two bounded
Redd Oakes and one Spannish Oake Standing on a Stony Knowle: Being markt
w[ith thirty two Notches Each and] Standing neere the head of Mattawoman