THEREFORE, The General Assembly, reposing full
confidence in the ability, integrity, wisdom and
sound legal knowledge of the said Honorable
Richard J. Bowie, and deeming it compatible
with the public interest to extend his term of ser-
Be it resolved by the General Assembly o1 Maryland,
Time ex-
That the term of service of the Honorable Richard
J. Bowie, Chief Judge of the Sixth Judicial Circuit
and Associate Judge of the Court of Appeals, be,
and the same is hereby extended, and the said Hon-
orable Richard J. Bowie, continued in office as
Chief Judge of the Sixth Judicial Circuit, until the
Tuesday after the first Monday of November of the
year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-two,
and until his successor is elected and qualified
No. 3.
WHEREAS, it is of the greatest importance to the
States of Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia and
Pennsylvania, and the District of Columbia, that
the shad, salmon, herring, rock and other migra-
tory fish, which form already so large a proportion
of the food resources of the States and District
named, and are destined to be a yet greater source
of sustenance and revenue to the said States and
District, should have an opportunity to reach the
upper waters of the Potomac and its tributaries,
not only that they may there find their appro-
priate spawning beds, but also that the inhabitants
of the States named, living upon such upper
waters, may have the advantage and benefit of