the yearly migration of such fish as welf as those
who dwell upon the lower waters of these States
named and said District of Columbia; and
WHEREAS, It is impossible for such fish to reach
said upper waters on account of the impassability
of the Great Falls of the Potomac, unless there be
built a fish way, to enable such fish to go around
said falls, and so get to the upper waters of the
Potomac and its tributaries; and
WHEREAS, At a convention of the commissioners
of fisheries of the States of Maryland, Pennsylvania
and New Jersey, held in Philadelphia, on the
26th day of January, Anno Domini, 1876, a reso-
lution was passed declaring the necessity of the
erection of a fish way over the Great Falls of the
Potomac, and urging action by the United States
Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries; and
WHEREAS, It appears from the report of the com-
missioners of fisheries of this State, that it is
entirely practicable to erect a fish way at that
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Senators of this State be instructed, and
its Representatives in Congress requested to urge
Be requested
and instruct'd
upon the Congress of the United States, the passage
of such measures as will secure the erection of the
same by the Government of the United States, and
the appropriation of the necessary funds for such
And be it resolved, That a copy of these resolutions
and preamble be sent to the Senators and Repre-
Transmit a
sentatives of this State in the Congress of the United
States, and to the Governors of the States herein-
before named, with the request to lay the same
before the Legislatures of their respective States.