shall be unlawful to take oysters with scoop or
dredge in any other waters of Talbot county.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That any resident of
said counties-desiring to uae any canoe or other boat,
Obtain license
in catching or taking oysters for sale, with rakes or
tonga, in the said Choptank River, shall first obtain,
by application to the Clerks of the Circuit Courts of
said counties, a license therefor, and such license shall
have effect from the first day of June, in the year in
which it may have been obtained, to the first day of
June succeeding; and shall authorize the use of
said canoe or boat, in taking or catching oysters on
either side of the dividing, channel of said river, for
sale, to any person; provided, that nothing herein
contained shall be so construed as to conflict with
the rights of owners or occupants of lands bordering
on said river, as are secured and protected under
existing laws.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That this act shall have
full force and effect from the first day of June, eigh-
Pull force and
teen hundred and seventy-six, until the first day of
June, eighteen hundred and eighty.
Approved April 8, 1876.