bly of Maryland, passed January session, eighteen
hundred and seventy-four, entitled "an act to au-
thorize the citizens of Talbot and Dorchester coun-
ties to take or catch oysters with dredge, scoop or
scrape in the waters of the Choptank River," be and
the same is hereby repealed, amended and re-enacted
so as to read as follows :
1. The Clerk of the Circuit' Court of Talbot or
Issue license.
Dorchester county shall, upon the application of any
person who has been a resident of such county for
twelve months next preceding such application and
to no other person, issue a license to such resident
to employ any boat of a capacity of ten tons or
under, such capacity to be ascertained by Custom
House measurement, in taking or catching oysters
with dredge, scoop or scrape, in the waters of the
Choptank River in said counties, for sale to any
person, between the fifteenth day of September in
each year and the first-day of June next following;
provided, that nothing in this act shall authorize the
taking of oysters with dredge, scoop or scrape above
the place known as Jamaica shoals in paid river or
in any tributaries of said river, above or below said
Jamaica shoals; and provided further, that the ap-
plicant shall pay to said clerk, before the issuing of
Three dollars
said license, the sum of three dollars per ton, according
per ton
to the capacity of the vessel to be licensed, which said
license shall be good for twelve months from the day
of its issue, and until such license is obtained, it shall
be unlawful to use or employ any vessel in taking
or catching oysters as hereinbefore described; pro-
vided, that the waters of Talbot county lying be-
tween Black Walnut Point and aline drawn from
Tilghman's point to the southwest point of Parsons
Island, except the paters between Poplar Island and
the main land lying within a line drawn from a
point of land on the north side of Ferry cove, known
as Lowe's point, to the northern extremity of Tilgh-
rnan's Island, to the southern extremity of south
bar of Poplar Island on the south, which are hereby
reserved for the uae of tongmen, shall be opened to
the citizens, of Talbot county, licensed under this
act, between the fifteenth day of September in each
year and the first day of May next following, but it