from St. Mary's and Calvert counties, and the first
and third legislative districts of Baltimore city; and
as may be audited and recommended by the Chair-
man of the Committee on Elections of the House of
Delegates for the expenses growing out of the
election contests in the first, second and third
election districts of Baltimore city, and the invest-
igation by said committee into the official conduct
of the Police Commissioners of Baltimore city; pro-
vided, that the sum or sums of money for which the
Comptroller shall draw his warrant to cover the
expenses of any or all of the aforesaid investigations,
shall not exceed in all the sum of ten thousand
dollars, and shall be paid out of the appropriation
for legislative expenses.
In force.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 8, 1876.
AN ACT to further amend the charter of the Balti-
more and Drum Point Railroad Company, a cor-
poration created and duly organized under the
provisions of the act of Assembly, passed January
session, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, chapter
three hundred and sixty-four, entitled "an act to
incorporate the Baltimore and Drum Point Rail-
road Company," and to extend the time for the
completion of the said railroad.
WHEREAS, the Baltimore and Drum Point Railroad
Company, a corporation created under the provisions
of the act passed January session, eighteen hundred
and sixty-eight, chapter three hundred and sixty-
four, entitled " an act to incorporate the Baltimore
and Drum Point Railroad Company," has been duly
organized under its said charter, and the work of