elected annually, and shall serve for one year or
until their successors shall be chosen.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the stockholders
of said company are hereby created a body corpor-
ate by the name of the Triadelphia Turnpike Com-
pany, and by that name shall have the privileges
and franchises of a corporation.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the said company
shall have power to erect a toll-house and collect
tolls when three continuous miles of the said turnpike
shall be completed, and also to erect such other toll-
gates as may be necessary, which shall not exceed
one gate to each three miles of said turnpike, and
the charges for toll shall not exceed the following
rates; one and one-half cent per mile for every
Rates of toll.
vehicle drawn by one animal; for any vehicle drawn
by two animals, three cents per mile, and for every
vehicle drawn by more than two animals, one and
one-half cents per mile for every additional animal ;
for every score of sheep, swine or neat cattle, five
cents per mile; for every horse and rider, and every
led or driven horse, one and one-half cents per mile.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the directors of said
company shall have power to make such rules for
the management for said company as may be neces-
sary to enable them to exercise the powers which
other corporate bodies do, for the purposes men-
tioned iu this act, not inconsistent with the laws of
this State.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That after the completion
of two miles of the said turnpike in Howard county,
Authorized to
and two miles in Montgomery county, with bona fide
Issue bonds.
subscriptions to build three more miles, making
seven miles in all, the County Commissioners of
Howard and Montgomery counties, are hereby au-
thorized and empowered in their discretion to issue
their bonds of their respective counties, payable
twenty years from date, in favor of said company,
which respective amounts shall be spent on that part
of the route, lying in the county which issues the
bonds for a certain principal sum, the annual interest
of which shall be equal to the average annual ex-
penditure during the past ten years for the repair of