AN ACT to appropriate a sum of money to pay the
claims of John F. Wiggins, Daniel Caulk, Henry
M. Tiralla, James E. Tate, Richard Tydings,
John H. Handy, David Leonard, George Mc-
Laughlin, Moses McCormick, Medairy and Bow-
ers, and William T. Markland and Brother.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Comptroller of the Treasury be
Issue warrant
and he is hereby requested and directed to issue his
in favor of.
warrant upon the Treasurer to pay John F. Wiggins,
the sum of thirty-eight dollars and seventy-five cents,
for materials and work furnished committee room
of Senate, per order of A. Gassaway, Secretary
thereof: Daniel Caulk, the sum of six hundred
and seventy-six dollars and sixty-three cents, for
materials furnished and work done in Senate Cham-
ber, under the order of A. Gassaway, Secretary
thereof; Henry M. Tiralla, the sum of one hundred
dollars, for money paid for fine, and which failed
for want of time to be paid by Committee of Claims,
of the January session, eighteen hundred and sev-
enty-four; James E. Tate, the sum of seventy -five
dollars and thirty cents, for materials furnished
Senate and House of Delegates, by order of A. Gas-
saway and Milton Y. Kidd, the Secretary and Chief
Clerk of said Houses; Richard Tydings, the sum of
fifty-one dollars and five cents, for articles furnished
for House of Delegates, under direction of Hall