AN ACT to incorporate a company to make a turn-
pike from Latonsville, in Montgomery county, via
Triadelphia, to the Frederick Turnpike in Howard
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That a turnpike company is hereby incor-
porated to make a turnpike from Latonsville, in
Montgomery county, via Triadelphia. and Shipley 's
Mill, to the Frederick Turnpike in Howard county;
and also a branch road from Isaac's Mill to the seven-
teen mile stone on the Frederick Turnpike, the said
route to be on the present bed of the county road,
except where it may be deemed advisable to alter
the course or grade thereof, in which case the lawful
course of so altering or improving shall be followed.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the capital stock of
the said company shall not exceed fifty thousand dol-
Capital stock.
lars, in shares of twenty-five dollars each.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That Thomas Lansdale,
L. J. G. Owings, J. F. D. Magruder, Enoch Selby,
R, H. Landsdale, M. W. Shipley, G. W. Mobley,
Uriah H. Griffith, Frank Griffith, J. H. Maynard, B.
B. Crawford, David Clark, E. M. Devilbiss and
Dawson Lawrence, are hereby appointed commis-
sioners to receive such subscriptions, which shall be
paid in such instalments and at such times as the
directors may require.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That when three hun-
dred shares or more of said stock shall be subscribed,
Call meeting.
the said commissioners shall call a meeting of the
subscribers by giving at least ten days' public notice
of the same, for the purpose of organizing the said
company, and the subscribeis, or a majority of them,
shall elect seven directors to manage the affairs of
Elect directors
the company, who shall have power to elect a presi-
dent from their number, and the said president and
directors shall serve until the first Saturday in Febru-
ary, or until their successors are chosen, and after
the first election the president and directors shall be