along the lines of the respective sections, on notice
to the contractor and county commissioners to con-
trovert the same, and the judgment of the said county
commissioners in such cases, to be final between all
the said parties.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the bonds of the
contractors shall be liable to suit for damages by
Be liable.
individuals, or by the county commissioners for. neg-
lect of duty or failure to keep their section in good
passable condition, the action to be brought on a
copy of the bond, before a justice of the peace, in
all cases when the damages claimed are less than
one hundred dollars, with the right of appeal to
either party, as in other cases of appeal from the
judgments of justices of the peace.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That for all sections of
roads not bid for, or which have not been disposed
of under previous provisions of this act, the county
Appoint suit-
able persons
commissioners shall appoint suitable persons, resi-
dents along the line of the sections, as supervisors
to take charge of, and keep in repair, such sections,
with the right to expend thereon such sums as said
commissioners shall name for such sections respec-
tively, and shall allow to such persons. such compen-
sation for supervision as they may deem just.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That all persons appointed
under the preceding section, shall report annually
Report annu-
or oftener, before the first day of May, to the county
commissioners, a full account of the expenditures
and the work done on their respective sections, but
shall expend no larger sum than may be allowed by
said commissioners.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That contractors for the
repairs of roads and supervisors appointed by the
county commissioners, shall be privileged to take
Be privileged.
materials, earth, wood and stone for repairs of the
roads within fifteen feet from the centre, on either
side of the roads, and shall keep said roads in good
travelable condition for a width of thirty feet wher-
ever practicable, and in all places shall put them in
condition for full double tracks, shall remove all over
hanging and side obstructions, and may straighter