thereon of not more than twenty feet span, as parts
of such sections, and shall have the same recorded
in a county road book kept in their office for that
purpose, which record shall be subject to the inspec-
tion of any tax-payer without charge.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That in the first week in
April, eighteen hundred and seventy-six, or as soon
after as can be done, and every two years thereafter,
Advertise two
the county commissioners aforesaid, shall advertise
for two weeks, by written advertisements set up at
the most public places in each election district, all
these sections of roads to be let out for repairs, for
two years, to the lowest bidder per year, setting
forth the manner in which said roads shall be re-
paired and kept in repair, and referring bidders to
the record of public roads in their office for descrip-
tions of the respective sections to be let out.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the county commis-
Reserve the
sioners shall reserve the right of rejecting any bid
for good cause, and may advertise anew, all such
sections as may not be awarded, or in their discre-
tion, may let them out to suitable persons, "Tax-
payers to be preferred," at such price per annum,
as in their judgment they may deem just.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That each successful
bidder and each person appointed under the preced-
Give bond.
ing section, shall give bond to the State of Maryland,
for twice the amount of his bid, or twice the amount
fixed by the commissioners, to be approved by the
commissioners, for the faithful performance of his
contract, and shall, upon such satisfactory proof as
may be required by said county commissioners, that
he has fulfilled his contract, be entitled to receive
Receive com-
one-half of his bid or compensation, on the first days
of November and May of each year for the term of
his bid or appointment.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the report of each
contractor to the county commissioners shall contain
Clear state-
a clear statement, of the character and amount of
work done, and the condition of the section included
in the report and be verified by oath or affirmation,
which shall be deemed prima facie true; subject,
however, to the right of a majority of the tax-payers