thereof, the Governor of Maryland, by and with the
advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint three
Appoint su-
persons, residents and voters in the City of Balti-
pervisors of
more, who shall be styled "The Board of Supervis-
ors of Elections in the City of Baltimore;" the said
board shall serve without compensation, and shall
Term of ser-
hold office for the term of two years from the first
day of May next after their appointment, and shall
exercise the powers and perform the duties herein-
after set forth, or which may from time to time be
conferred or imposed upon them by law; in case of
a vacancy occurring in said board, when the Legis-
lature is not in session the vacancy shall be filled by
the Governor. It shall be the duty of the said
board, or a majority thereof, not less than three
weeks before every election to be hereafter held
in the City of Baltimore, to appoint three dis-
creet persons, no one of whom shall hold office or
employment under the Government of the United
States or the State cf Maryland, or of the City of
Baltimore to act as judges of election in each of the
voting precincts of the said city, one of whom shall
be of a political party different from that with which
the other two are connected, and shall designate in
said appointment one of said persons as presiding
judge; the said judges shall be legal voters of the
precinct, for which they shall be appointed, and they
and their successors in office shall hold office for the
term of one year from and after the date of their
appointment, subject however to removal by the said
board, whenever the board shall be convinced of the
unfitness of any judge, or credibly advised of any
misconduct on his part, in his office of judge of elec-
tion as aforesaid; and the said board shall publish
the names of judges so removed, in one daily paper
published in the City of Baltimore, within one week
after such removal; but each and every person so
appointed to act as judge of election, shall, unless
excused or removed by the said board, or disquali-
fied ty ill-health, or otherwise according to law, be
bound to serve an such judge for the term of one
Refusal to
year as aforesaid when appointed, once in every five
years if required, and in case of refusal so to do,
shall be liable to a penalty of five hundred dollars,
recoverable by the said board by civil action in the