and the other party, or when the executor, adminis-
trator, guardian or committee testifies as to any con-
versation had with the other party, either party may
be examined as a witness, as provided for in the
other sections of this article, and provided further,
that it shall not be competent for any party to the
cause, who has been examined therein .as a witness,
to corroborate his testimony, when impeached, by
proof of his own declaration or statements made to
third persons, out of the presence and hearing of the
adverse party.
either party
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 3, 1876.
In force.
AN ACT to repeal sections two hundred and five,
two hundred and six and two hundred and twelve,
of Article four of the Code of Public Local Laws
of the State of Maryland, relating to the City of
Baltimore, sub-title "Elections," and to re-enact
sections two hundred and five, two hundred and
six, and two hundred and twelve, with amend-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That sections two hundred and five, two
hundred and six, and two hundred and twelve, of
article four of the Code of Public Local Laws of the
State of Maryland, relating to the City of Baltimore,
sub-title "Elections" be, and the same are hereby
repealed, and that sections two hundred and five,
two hundred and six, and two hundred and twelve
be, and the same are hereby re-enacted with amend-
ments, to read as follows:
205. During the present session of the Legislature
of Maryland, and during each succeeding session
Repealed and