commissioners, and said certificates shall be recorded
in a well bound book, to be provided by the com-
missioners; in which book also shall be kept the
proceedings of every official meeting held by said
commissioners, and shall be open for inspection to
all interested.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That should any vacancy
occur in the board of commissioners from any cause
whatever during the year, the remaining members
of the board of commissioners are hereby authorized
to fill such vacancy by appointment of a qualified
person for the unexpired term of said office.
Fill vacancy.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the commissioners,
after having duly qualified, or a majority of them,
shall assemble at some place within thirty days after
their election, of which meeting public notice shall
be given by said commissioners, or a majority of
them, and at said meeting said commissioners shall
elect a president, treasurer and clerk; permission
being hereby granted to said commissioners to ap-
Hold a meet-
point some one qualified as clerk who is not a mem-
ber of said board of commissioners, and said com-
missioners shall also appoint a bailiff or bailiffs and
prescribe the duties of bailiff or bailiffs and clerk
and fix their salary and discharge or dismiss them
at their option.
Appoint offi-
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That the clerk to the
commissioners shall, before entering upon the duties
of clerk, make oath before the commissioners, or a
justice of the peace, that he will faithfully perform
the duties of clerk to the commissioners.
Make oath.
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That the commissioners
shall require and take a good bond, by the bailiff or
bailiffs given, for such sum as the commissioners shall
in their judgment think sufficient; and the bailiff or
bailiffs shall make oath, before the commissioners or
a justice of the peace, that he or they will faithfully
and impartially perform all the duties of his or their
office, according to the best of his or their skill and
Require bond.