Make oath.
proceed to hold such election, shall make oath be-
fore a duly authorized officer of the law, that he will
faithfully and impartially perform the duties of judge
of election, and permit every person to vote at such
election who is qualified and a resident within the
corporate bounds of said town, and prevent any one
from voting, who is not a resident within the bounds
of the corporation, or otherwise disqualified.
Call meeting.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the commissioners
elect, after having received their certificates of elec-
tion from the judges of election, shall, within ten
days after receiving such certificates, call a meeting
for the purpose of organizing their body.
Give notice
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the justices of the
peace for the second election district of Queen Anne's
county, or a majority of them, shall give ten days'
public notice before the first election shall take place;
and said justices of the peace are hereby empowered
to appoint election judges and a clerk or clerks, and
duly qualify them before the voting commences.
This action is only to apply to the first election after
these articles and laws shall have been incorporated
according to law.
Hold new
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That if the election
should fail, or from any cause be prevented on the
first Monday in June, then it shall fee the duty of
the commissioners or justices of the peace in the
first election, within three weeks after said failure
of election, to order a new election, giving one week's
previous notice of said election, which mode shall
be continued until a legal election shall be had.
Make oath.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That every commissioner,
before he shall enter upon the discharge of his duties
as such, shall make oath before some justice of the
peace having jurisdiction, that he will, to the best of
his abilities, discharge the duties that may devolve
upon him as commissioner.
Issue certifi-
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the judges of elec-
tion shall in all respects act and do as judges of a
regular State election, and issue certificates, signed
by said judges or a majority of them, attested by the
clerk or clerks of election, of the parties elected as