SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the bounds and
limits of Church Hill shall be as follows; beginning
at the south side of George Griffin's mill" house,
thence running along the north edge of the mill
stream to a cedar tree on the lines of George Griffin
and Dr. Thomas H. Green and B. E. Cook, thence
in a straight line to a stone planted on the north-west
corner of the Episcopal Church property, making the
boundary of said property, and the property of Dr.
Thomas H. Green and B. E. Cook, thence in a
straight line to the northwest corner of Mrs. Mary
T. Gawthorp's stable, thence in a straight line to the
west side of James Andersen's barnyard, thence in
a straight line to the west corner of William D.
Taylor's home property, thence in a straight line to
the division line between Dr Washington Finley
and Mrs. Mary E. Finley's property, thence in a
straight line to the division line between William
Hurlock and Samuel Harris, thence with said line to
the east corner of William Hurlock's pound yard,
thence in a straight line to the south corner of James
Wright's lot, thence in a straight line to the north-
east corner of the Methodist Episcopal Church prop-
erty, thence with the lines of said church property to
the property of E. W. Kriete, thence to the north-
west corner of Mrs. C. M. Neroman's property, thence
in a straight line to the northeast corner of the Pres-
byterian Church property, thence in a straight line
running south to the north edge of the mill pond to
the place of beginning.
Metes and
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the citizens of the
town of Church Hill, who have resided in said town
the next preceding three months, qualified to vote
for delegates to the General Assembly of Maryland,
shall, on the first Monday in June in each year, meet
and ballot for three persons, who are above the age
of twenty-one years, and who have resided in said
town one year preceding the election, to be commis-
sioners of said town, and are to hold their office,
after being duly qualified, for one year, or until their
successors are duly elected and qualified.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the commissioners
of said town, or a majority of them, shall be judges
of election; and every commissioner, before he shall
Elect commis-