ers directed to
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the Commissioners
of Talbot county be, and they are hereby authorized
and required, to refund to Alicia Winder, the sum
of thirty-six dollars and fifty cents, for the year eigh-
teen hundred and sixty-seven; the sum of forty
dollars, for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-
eight; the sum of thirty-five dollars, for the year
eighteen hundred and sixty-nine; the sum of twenty-
nine dollars, for the year eighteen hundred and
seventy; the sum of twenty-seven dollars and fifty
cents, for the year eighteen hundred and seventy-
one; the sum of thirty dollars, for the year eighteen
hundred and seventy-two; the sum of thirty-three
dollars and fifty cents, for the year eighteen hundred
and seventy-three; and the sum of thirty-eight
dollars, for the year eighteen hundred and seventy-
four, with the interest due on said respective sums,
being the amount due for said years, as county taxes
on the erroneous assessment of five thousand dollars.
Approved April 3, 1876.
AN ACT to repeal an act, entitled "an act to in-
corporate the town of Church Hill, Queen Anne's
county, State of Maryland, " article seventeen, sec-
tions sixty-five, sixty-six and sixty-seven of the
Code of Public Local Laws for Queen Anne's
county, and to re-enact the following:
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the citizens of the town of Church
Hill, Queen Anne's county and State of Maryland,
be and they are hereby created a body corporate, by
the name of " The Commissioners of Church Hill, "
with all the privileges of a body corporate, and may
have a common seal and perpetual succession, and
shall be able and capable in law, to sue and be sued,
plead and be impleaded in any court of law.