AN ACT to refund to the vestry of St. Michaels
Parish, Talbot county, a sum of money erroneously
paid into the treasury.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General, Assembly of
Maryland, That the Treasurer on the warrant of the
Comptroller, pay to the vestry of St. Michaels Parish,
Talbot county, or to their order, the sum of seventy-
four dollars and seventy-four cents, for taxes errone-
ously deducted by the treasurer from stock of the
State held by them, the same being free from taxation
under the laws of this State.
Treasurer di-
rected to pay
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from and after the date of its passage.
Approved April, 3, 1876.
In force.
AN ACT to refund to Alicia Winder, of Talbot
county, State taxes erroneously paid into the
Treasury for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-
seven, to the year eighteen hundred and seventy-
four, inclusive, and also to authorize the County
Commissioners of said county to refund County
taxes erroneously paid.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Treasurer be, and he is hereby
authorized and directed to pay upon the warrant of
the Comptroller, to the order of Alicia Winder, the
sum of seventy-five dollars and sixty-seven cents,
for taxes erroneously paid into the treasury for the
year eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, to the year
eighteen hundred and seventy-four, inclusive.
Treasurer di-
rected to pay