forth in the compact between them, entered into in
the year seventeen hundred and eighty-five; but
that the same shall remain to, and be enjoyed by
the said States, and the citizens thereof forever;
and provided further, that the landholders on either
side of the line of boundary between the said States
as the same may be ascertained and determined by
the said award, shall in no manner be disturbed
Title to and
thereby in their title to and possession of their lands,
as they may be at the date of said award, but shall
in any case, hold and possess the same as if their
said titles and possession had been derived under
the laws of the State, in which, by the fixing of the
said line by the terms of the said award, they may
be ascertained to be.
Line to be ob-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That until the final ad-
justment and settlement of the said line of boundary,
the temporary line across the Chesapeake bay, known
as the Lovett-Davidson line, shall be faithfully ob-
served by the citizens of the said two States.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That if, in the recess of
the Legislature a vacancy shall occur by reason of
the death, resignation or refusal to act, of any of the
persons herein appointed to settle and determine
the said line of boundary as aforesaid, a fit person
or persons shall be appointed by the concurrent ac-
tion of the Governor of Maryland, and the Governor
of Virginia, or of the Legislature of the latter State,
as the case may be, who with those already appoint-
ed, and who may act in the premises, shall exercise
the powers and perform the duties defined and im-
posed in the first section of this act.
Forward a
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the Governor is
hereby requested to forward a copy of this act to the
Governor of Virginia, with a request that he present
the same to the General Assembly of that State,
and that he communicate to the Honorable James
B. Beck, his appointment under this act, and request
his acceptance of the same.
In force.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 3, 1876.