jure, impair or destroy any part of this railroad or
any of the necessary works, buildings, carriages,
vehicles or machines belonging to or in the occupa-
tion of this railroad company, such person or per-
Impair or de-
sons, so offending, shall each of them for every such
offence forfeit and pay to the said company the sum
of five hundred dollars, which may be recovered in
the name of said company by an action of debt in
any court having jurisdiction of the same, and shall
also be subject to indictment for said offence, and
upon conviction of such offence, shall be punished
by fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the
SEC. 23. And be it enacted, That if the railroad,
authorized as aforesaid, shall not be commenced in
five years from the passage of the act authorizing
the same, and shall not be finished within ten years
from the time of the commencement thereof, this act,
authorizing the same, shall be null and void.
Null and void.
SEC. 24. And be it enacted, That the right and
privilege is hereby reserved to any company, here-
tofore or hereafter to be incorporated, to connect
with the railroad authorized by this act; provided,
that in forming said connexion, no injury shall be
done to the works or line of the property with which
such connexion is made.
SEC. 25. And be it enacted, That the railroad com-
pany hereby incorporated, may own and operate any
line of steamships or steamboats, or may subscribe
to or hold the stock of any company owning and
operating such steamships or steamboats, where such
steamships or steamboats can be used wholly or in
part, in connexion with the business of said railroad
May own and
SEC. 26. And be it enacted, That the General Assem-
bly reserves the right to repeal, alter or amend the
provisions of this act at its pleasure.
SEC. 27. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 8, 1876.
In force.