Rates of
description whatsoever, which they may deem ne-
cessary or proper for the purposes of transportation
on said railroad, and they shall have power to charge
for the transportation of persons, goods, produce,
merchandise, or property of any kind whatsoever,
transported by them along said railroad, any sum
not exceeding three cents per mile for all passengers,
and not exceeding five cents per ton per mile upon
all goods, produce, merchandise, or property of any
description whatsoever transported thereon, except
upon flour, grain, corn, oats, tobacco, whiskey, coal,
iron, lime, ore, lumber, plaster, stone, wood, fish and
salt, upon which the rates shall not exceed six cents
per ton per mile; but any person or persons or cor-
Exclusive use
of cars.
porations in this State or the United States, may
contract with this company for the exclusive use of
any car or cars or train on this road at such times,
upon such terms, and at such rates or prices as may
be agreed upon between the parties to the said con-
tract; and it shall not be lawful for any other com-
pany, or for any person or persons whomsoever, to
travel upon or use any of the roads of said company,
or to transport persons, merchandise, produce or
property, of any description whatsoever, on or along
said roads or any of them without a license or permis-
sion of the president and directors of said company;
and the said road or roads with all their works, im-
provements and profits, and all the machinery for
transportation used on said road, are declared to be
vested in the said company and their successors for-
ever, and the shares of the capital stock of said com-
pany shall be deemed and considered personal estate.
SEC. 21. And be it enacted, That the said president
and directors shall annually or semi-annually declare
and make such dividend, as they may deem proper,
of the net profits arising from the resources of the
said company, after deducting the necessary current
and probable contingent expenses, and they shall
divide the said dividend among the proprietors of
the stock of said company in proper proportion to
their respective shares.
SEC. 22. And be it enacted, That if any person or
persons shall wilfully, by any means whatsoever, in-