invested with all the rights and powers necessary to
the construction and repair of the railroad authorized
by this Act of Assembly, which shall not exceed
sixty-six feet in width on the surface, but may have
such additions as may be necessary for slopes and
embankments, and shall have as many sets of tracks,
switches and turnouts and branches not exceeding
ten miles in length, as the said president and direc-
tors may deem necessary, and the said president and
Invested with
directors may cause to be made, or contract with
others for making said railroad tracks, switches,
turnouts and branches, or any part thereof, includ-
ing building of bridges, necessary warehouses, depots
and stations, and fixing scales and weights, and all
works whatsoever, which may be necessary to the
proper completion and working of said road and
branches, and may acquire any land, earth, stone,
gravel or other material required for any of the pur-
poses aforesaid, by agreement with the owners there-
of, or by condemnation, as provided in sections one
hundred and seventy, one hundred and seventy-one,
one hundred and seventy-two, one hundred and
seventy-three, one hundred and seventy-four and
one hundred and seventy-five, of article twenty-six
of the Code, entitled "corporations, " and all said
sections shall apply to this railroad company.
SEC. 19. And be it enacted, That whenever in the
construction of the said road or roads, or branches,
it shall be necessary to cross or intersect any estab-
lished road or way, it shall be the duty of the presi-
dent and directors of said company so to construct
the said road or roads, or branches, across the estab-
lished road or way as not to impede the passage or
transportation of persons or property along the same,
or where it shall be necessary to pass through the
land of any individual, it shall also be their duty to
provide for each individual proper wagon-ways across
said road or roads, from one part of his land to the
SEC. 20. And be it enacted, That the said president
and directors, or a majority of them, shall have
power to purchase, with the funds of said company,
and place on any railroad, constructed by them
under this act, all engines, cars or carriages of any
Power to pur-