Governor's Mansion, four hundred dollars or so much
thereof as may be necessary; to the State Vaccine
Agent for his salary, six hundred dollars; and to
defray the expenses incurred by him in procuring
reliable vaccine virus, 'twelve hundred dollars; to
the Librarian for distributing the laws, documents
and journals, one hundred dollars or so much thereof
as may be necessary to defray the expense of said
distribution; to the Librarian for furnishing the
Circuit Court of Wicomico county a full set of re-
ports and other books as provided by Senate bill
number fifty-nine, three hundred dollars or so much
thereof as may be necessary; to James S. Franklin,
Clerk of the Court of Appeals for recording the laws
of the present session of the General Assembly, four
hundred and fifty dollars.
For the payment of the interest of the public
debt of the State including the cost of exchange, re-
mittance and commissions for so much thereof as is
payable in London, six hundred and seventy-five
thousand dollars or so much thereof as may be ne-
Public debt.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That the Treasurer of
the State shall, on the warrant of the Comptroller,
disburse said sums of money herein appropriated
for the objects and purposes herein specified, to or
upon the order of the person or body politic, or cor-
porate, severally entitled to receive the same.
Shall disburse
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from date of its passage.
Approved March 28, 1876.
In force.