AN ACT declaratory of the act of the General As-
sembly of Maryland passed at January session,
eighteen hundred and fifty-six, chapter one hun-
dred and nine, entitled an act to amend an act,
entitled an act to incorporate the Fremont Savings
Institution of Baltimore, by allowing said institu-
tion the privilege embraced under the act entitled
" an act to continue the corporate existence of the
several banking institutions therein mentioned
passed at January session eighteen hundred and
fifty-three, chapter four hundred and forty-one,
and to extend the corporate existence of the Peo-
ples Bank of Baltimore.
Politic and
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That under the second section of the said
act of eighteen hundred and fifty-six, chapter one
hundred and nine "the Peoples Bank of Baltimore"
is hereby declared to be and has been, and is hereby
constituted a body politic and corporate as aforesaid,
and under the name aforesaid in full force and exist-
ence until the first day of January eighteen hundred
and eighty, and until the end of the regular session
of the General Assembly next thereafter, subject to
the several provisions of said act of eighteen hundred
and fifty-three, chapter four hundred and forty-one,
and of any amendments or supplements thereto.
Continued in
full force.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the corporate exist-
ence of "the Peoples Bank of Baltimore" be, and
the same is hereby continued in full force as a body
politic and corporate as aforesaid, under the name
aforesaid until the first day of January nineteen hun-
dred, and until the end of the regular session of the
General Assembly next thereafter, subject to the
several provisions of said act of eighteen hundred
and fifty-three, chapter four hundred and forty-one,
and of any amendments or supplements thereto.