and the Chief Clerk of the House of Delegates for
keeping the records, and for the publication of the
laws of the present General Assembly six hundred
dollars each, twelve hundred dollars; for binding the
laws, journals and documents of the present session,
three thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may
be necessary, to be expended by and under the con-
trol of the Comptroller; for indexing the journals
and documents of the House of Delegates and Senate,
seven hundred dollars; for indexing the laws, three
hundred and fifty dollars, as per contract of joint
committee on printing.
Baltimore city
To the Maryland Penitentiary for the support of
the institution, ten thousand dollars, or so much
thereof as may be necessary; to the Maryland Peni-
tentiary for improvements, twelve thousand dollars;
to the members of the Appeal Tax Court of Balti-
more city fifty dollars each, one hundred and fifty
dollars; to the Register of Baltimore city, three hun-
dred dollars.
To the night watchmen of the public buildings'
six hundred dollars each, twelve hundred dollars; to
the person employed to take care of the public build-
ings, six hundred dollars; to the person employed to
attend the room of the Court of Appeals, one hun-
dred dollars; to the Librarian for distributing the
Maryland Reports, one hundred dollars; for rent of
boxes in Safe Deposit Company for the use of the
Treasury Department, one hundred, or so much
thereof as may be necessary: to George A. Freder-
ick for plans and specifications for improvement of
the Comptroller's office and public buildings, by
order of the House of Delegates of eighteen hundred
and seventy-four, six hundred dollars; to the keeper
of the steam house and Record Office furnaces, six
hundred dollars; and to his assistant, six hundred
dollars; to the messenger for the Governor, one
thousand dollars; to the person, employed to take
charge of the Governor's Mansion and the furnaces
thereof, six hundred dollars; for insurance on the