Augustus Gassaway, Secretary of the Senate, five
thousand dollars or so much thereof as may be neces-
sary; for the contingent fund of the Commissioner
of the Land office, four hundred dollars; for the
postage of the Executive, the Treasury Department
and Land Office, one thousand dollars; for additional
temporary clerical assistance in the Comptroller's
office, and travelling expenses of the Comptroller in
the performance of duties imposed by law. or so much
thereof as may be necessary, one thousand dollars;
to the State Librarian for purchasing stationery one
hundred and fifty dollars; for the contingent fund of
the Court of Appeals, three hundred dollars.
To the several counties of this State and to Balti-
more city, to be apportioned as the Legislature may
direct, four hundred and sixty thousand dollars, or
whatever sum may be paid into the treasury on ac-
count of the levy of public school tax; for the free
school fund such sum as may be received from the
bonus from bank dividends, from stock standing to
the credit of said fund, and so much of the revenue
from the Washington Branch of the Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad us has been substituted for the surplus
revenue, to the several counties and City of Balti-
more; for the education of colored children, to be
apportioned by the Comptroller in proportion to the
number of colored inhabitants in each county and
City of Baltimore, between the ages of six and twen-
ty-one years, one hundred thousand dollars.
To pay the members of the General Assembly,
their officers and attendants, including postage, sta-
tionery, attendance of witnesses, mileage and miscel-
laneous expenses, and the per diem of the President
of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Dele-
gates, one hundred and twenty thousand dollars, or
so much thereof as may be necessary, and no more;
to John F. Wiley for the printing of the General
Assembly of Maryland for eighteen hundred and
seventy-six, thirty-eight thousand dollars, as per con-
tract and no more; to the Secretary of the Senate