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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1876
Volume 199, Page 296   View tiff image (52K)
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and Comptroller may be necessary; for the payment
of the annual ground rent on the tobacco warehouse
lots in Baltimore, four hundred and forty-eight dol-
lars and eleven cents.



For the salary of a Commissioner or Commis-
sioners of Fisheries, three thousand dollars, or so
much thereof as may be necessary.



For the salary of the Adjutant General of the State,
two thousand dollars; provided the said sum shall be
paid out of the appropriation for the militia; for the
support of the militia fifteen thousand dollars, and
such further sum as may be collected from the sale
of old arms to be used in the purchase of arms of
improved pattern, or so much thereof as may be ne-
cessary, to be expended under the supervision of the
Governor, in accordance with the provisions of the
act of eighteen hundred and seventy; for the pay-
ment of pensions granted by acts and resolutions of
the General Assembly, forty-five thousand dollars,
or so much thereof as may be necessary.



To the Executive for the contingent fund provided
in the Constitution to be placed at his disposal, seven
thousand five hundred dollars; for the contingent
fund of the Treasury Department, fifteen hundred
dollars; for printing blank licenses, protests, circu-
lars, warrants, and for books and expenses of Comp-
troller's office, two thousand dollars; for the contin-
gent fund of the library, including the expense of
postage, porterage and freight, stationery for the use
of the office, menial services, advertising and print-
ing, five hundred dollars; for the augmentation of
the Library, two thousand five hundred dollars, or
so much thereof as may be necessary; for the cost of
printing the annual report of the Comptroller, one
thousand dollars; for the expense of fuel and light
for the public buildings and grounds to be expended
under the direction and control of the Governor, by

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1876
Volume 199, Page 296   View tiff image (52K)
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