An Abridgment of the Laws of
receive any Fee for any Navigation Bond put in Suit,
nor for any Bond taken for Country Dues, where the
said Bond appears not to be forfeited, and if he shall sue
any Bond taken contrary to Act of Parliament, or taken
for Country Dues, and no Bill of Exchange protested,
or other failure, to forfeit the Bond, or where the Certificate
is returned into the Secretary's Office; in any of
which Cases appearing to the Provincial Court, the said
Attorney General shall lose his Fee, and also pay the
Secretary's Fees, and what other charges the Party hath
been at in defending the same.
V. When any Writ is issued forth upon
a Bond taken
in the Kings name, it shall be indorsed on the back, for
whom the Person was bound, and in what year (if a Navigation
Bond) or at whose request it was sued (if a
Sheriffs Bond) or Bond taken by any of his Majesty's Officers
in this Province, and for want of such Indorsement
the Writ shall abate, and the party grieved recover his
loss against the Attorney that sued it forth.
VI. Upon every Presentment by the Grand
Jury for
Breach of any Penal Laws of this Province (except that
for Suppressing Criminals, and trying them in the
County Court) if the party presented confesses the Crime,
and submits, the Clerk of the Indictments shall have
his Fee for the same; if the party traverse, the Clerk
shall have 200 l. of Tobacco: and upon every Presentment,
grounded upon any Statute of England, if the
Bill be found by the Grand Jury, the Clerk shall have
200 l. of Tobacco Fee. And upon Presentment found
in the Provincial Court, the Attorney General shall
have 400 l. of Tobacco fee.
11 W. 3. p. 76. When Special Bail is required in
the Provincial Court, if the Defendant
be present in
Court, he shall give Special Bail
in open Court, and
shall be deemed in Custody of the
Sheriff that arrested
him till Bail be so given:
But if the Defendant be not