Maryland, now in force.
IX. Provided, that where the Justices
of any County,
being a full Court, or above the number of 7, shall
agree and consent to lessen the allowance hereby given,
or take the same off totally, entring such Rule in the
Record, it shall for that year be an absolute Law and
Rule for every Justice of that County Court as to their
expences; and if they see fit, they may make the same
Rule or such other as they shall agree on once every
X. The Act of Assembly made 1692, Ascertaining
Expences of Commissioners of Provincial and County Courts,
11 W. 3. p. 70. No Summons or other Process for
any Criminal matter or Misdemeanour,
shall issue out of
any Court against any person, without
a Presentment
be first found by the Grand Jury,
unless by special Order
of Court, and if the Attorney General
or any Attorney
of the Provincial Court, shall issue
any Process
in other manner, he shall forfeit
and pay the sum of
5000 l. Tobacco, the one
half to the King, the other
to the party grieved, or him that
shall sue for the
If any Clerk of Indictments, or any other Attorney
practising in any of the County
Courts, shall issue
forth any Process against any person
for any such matter
as aforesaid, without Presentment
found, or special Order
of Court, appearing upon Record,
he shall forfeit
the sum of 2500 l. of Tobacco,
one half to the King,
the other to the party grieved,
or him that shall sue, &c.
And the Party offending shall have
no Appeal or Writ
of Error, but the Judgment of the
County Court shall
be definitive therein.
If the Clerk of the Provincial Court, or any Clerk
of a County Court shall issue out
any Process in Criminal
Causes without order under the hand
of an Attorney
practising in that Court, to justify
the same, the said
Clerk so offending shall be lyable
to the same Forfeitures
and Penalties of Attorney so offending,
to be remov'd
and go as aforesaid.
The Attorney General of this Province, shall not
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