Maryland, now in force.
able to procure special Bail at the said Court, he shall
remain in Custody of the said Sheriff, and by him be
safely guarded back into the County where arrested, and
there kept till he can procure such Bail.
II. But if the party who is to give
such Special Bail
be no present at the Provincial Court, then the Sheriff
of the County where the Defendant was arrested may
by virtue of a Rule of Court for Special Bail, take him
into Custody again, and keep him so till he can procure
Bail accordingly.
III. Any Justice of the Provincial
Court may, in the
County where he shall inhabit, and in case of Death or
absence of such Justice, the President of the County
Court may take and receive all and every such Recognizances
of Bail, as shall be willingly acknowledged or
made before him in his County, in any Suit depending
in the said Provincial Court.
IV. Which Recognizances so taken shall
be transmitted
to the Justices of the said Provincial Court at
their next sitting, which the said Court shall receive upon
payment of the usual Fees for taking Bail; and the
same shall be of like force and effect, as if taken de bene
esse before the Justices of the said Provincial Court during
their Sitting.
V. And for taking such Recognizances
of Bail, such
Justices of the Provincial Court, or President of the
County Court, shall receive the sum of 5 s. and no more.
VI. The Justices of the Provincial
Court shall make
such Rules for justifying of such Bails, and making the
same absolute, as they shall think meet, provided the
Conizors of such Bail be not compellable to appear in
Person in the Provincial Court to justify themselves.
Bills of Exchange.
I. 11
3. p. 50. There shall not be allow'd to any person,
impleading any person in this Province,
upon any
Bill of Exchange drawn for any summ
of Money, payable
in England or elsewhere,
and brought in here
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