An Abridgment of the Laws of
II. Two Citizens shall serve
in the said Assembly for
the City of St Mary's, to be nominated and appointed
by the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen, and Common
III. Which 4 Delegates for every respective
and the Citizens for St Mary's, are obliged to attend at
the time and place of meeting of such Assembly, under
the penalty of such Fines as the House of Assembly shall
impose, without sufficient excuse for absence.
IV. Any Sheriff that shall refuse, or neglect
to make
Return of the Delegates so elected as aforesaid, before the
sitting of such Assembly, or shall make any undue or
illegal Return, shall for every fault be fined 1000 l.
Sterling, one half to the King for support of hte Government,
the other to the Informer, to be recover'd in any
Court of Record, wherein no Essoine, &c. to be allowed.
V. This Act not to extend to exclude any
City, or Borough, hereafter by the King, his Heirs or
Successors, to be made within this Province, from the
Liberty of electing Delegates and Representatives as before
exprest, but that such Writs, as aforesaid, shall upon
calling every General Assembly go forth to every
such County when it shall be erected, and to such City
or Burrough, commanding them to make such Elections
aforesaid, to serve in the General Assembly next
VI. No Ordinary Keeper within this Province,
the time of his Keeping Ordinary, shall be elected
to serve as a Deputy or Representative in the General
VII. An. 6 W. & M. p. 26.
All Delegates and Burgesses
of Assembly shall be allowed the sum of 140 l. of
Tobacco a day (besides Itinerant Charges) during the
time they shall attend such Assembly, to be paid out of
the Publick Levies of this Province.
VIII. The like allowance shall be to the
several Commissioners
of the Provincial Courts during the time they
shall sit in and attend in such Courts, to be paid in like
manner out of the Public Levy. And the several Commissioners
of the County Courts, during the time they
Attend such Courts, shall be allowed the sum of 80 l.
of tobacco per day, which the said Commissioners of
County Courts are hereby impower'd to assess and levy,
where such Commissioners shall serve.