Maryland, now in force.
VII. All persons, relievable in Equity
from any
Judgment in the Provincial or County Court, shall exhibit
his Bill, and proceed in Chancery, before any Appeal
be enter'd before the Governor and Council, and
not afterwards: and all person grieved by any Decree
in Chancery, may exhibit his Prayer before the Governor
and Council, to receive and examine the same, and the
Judgment or Decree of such Court of Review shall be
final, unless the Original Debt or Damage exceed the sum
aforesaid, and then to appeal to the King and Council.
VIII. An Act of Assembly made 1694,
Appeals and Writs of Error, repeal'd. And all Appeals
brought before the Governor and Council shall and may
be heard by them out of Assembly time, any former Law
or Practice notwithstanding.
IX. Where the Governour of this Province
is concerned
in any Appeal or Writ of Error, brought from
any Provincial or County Court to the Governor and
Council, it shall be sufficient for the Council only to
hear and determine such matters, whose Judgment shall
be definitive, except as before excepted.
4 W. & M. p. 16. When the Governor of this Province
shall think fit to call and convene
an Assembly,
and to send Writs for Burgesses
and Delegates to serve in
such Assembly, the Writ shall be
in the form prescribed
in the Act at large, viz.
Authorizing the Sheriff upon
receipt thereof, to call together
four or more Commissioners
of his County and the Clerk, who
shall sit as a
Court, and make publick Proclamation
to all Freemen
of the said County, having a Freehold
in the same of 50
Acres, or a visible Estate of 40
l. Sterling at least, to appear
at the next County Court, for electing
of Deputies
and Delegates to serve in a General
Assembly, to be
holden at the City of St. Mary's
on the day of, &c.
At which time the major part of
the said Freemen shall
choose four several Freemen of the
said County, each
having a Freehold of 50 Acres at
least, or a visible Estate
of 40 l. Sterling within
the County, who are to be returned
severally by 4 several Indentures,
but no Sheriff
is elegible, &c.
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