NOV. 1809.
CHAP. 90. |
to the court-house, and sometimes used as a tavern, and
that the said dwelling-house is now, and has for sometime past
been, occupied by different families; therefore, for the security and
safety of the said records, |
Levy authorised. |
2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
it shall and may be lawful for the justices of Dorchester county
levy court, and they are hereby authorised and required, to assess
and levy on their county a sum of money, not exceeding two thousand
dollars, and also the sheriff's commission of six per cent. for
collecting the same; which said monies, so to be assessed and levied,
shall be collected by the said sheriff of Dorchester county
for the time being, in the same manner, and within the same time,
as other public taxes and county levies are by law to be collected,
and shall, at the expiration of the period for the collection thereof,
be by him paid over to the said justices, or their order. |
To be applied to
purchase of a
house, &c. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said justices
be, and they are
hereby authorised and empowered, to apply the said money, when
collected, to the purchase of the lot or lots of ground whereon the
said house is erected, the property of the late Peter Rea, deceased,
adjoining the public ground, and binding with Spring-street, so as
to include the wharf, and to receive a conveyance for the same for
the use of Dorchester county. |
After purchase to
be the property of
county. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That after the said
purchase and conveyance
shall have been made as herein directed, the said lot or
lots of ground, with the improvements thereon, shall and the same
is hereby declared to be the right and property of Dorchester county
for ever. |
Levy court to meet
for purposes of contracting
for the
purchase, &c. |
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the justices of
the levy court of
Dorchester county, or any four of them, shall and they are hereby
authorised and required, to meet at the court-house in the said
county, on or before the third Monday in April next, for the purpose
of contracting for the purchase of the said lot or lots of
ground, with the improvements thereon, and if they shall not be
enabled to effect such purchase, it shall and may be lawful for them
to appoint such person or persons as they may think proper, commissioners,
for the purpose of making such purchase, who shall,
with as little delay as possible, accomplish the same, and make return
thereof to the levy court at their next meeting, and any contract
made as aforesaid shall be valid and obligatory, and the levy
court shall carry the same into effect. |
When purchased
by them they are
authorised to sell
the same, &c. |
6. AND BE IT ENACTED, That when the purchase
of the said
lot or lots shall be accomplished in manner aforesaid, it shall and
may be lawful for the levy court of Dorchester county, or such
commissioner or commissioners as they may appoint for that purpose,
to sell at public sale, on a credit not exceeding twelve months,
having first given sufficient notice of the day and terms of sale,
all such houses, and other improvements thereon, as the said levy
court shall not think proper to be kept for the use of the said county,
taking bonds, with sufficient security, for the payment of the
money that may be bid for such improvements, with interest, for
the use of the county, and such houses and improvements, so to be
sold, shall be removed off the said lot or lots by the respective purchasers
in a reasonable time; and the bond or bonds that may be
taken upon such sale may be assigned in payment for the lot or lots |