NOV. 1809.
CHAP. 80.
Passed Jan. 6, 1810. |
An act to incorporate a Company for the purpose of building a Bridge
over the River Susquehanna, at Havre-de-Grace.
Lib. TH. No.
2, fol. 233.
As this act was not carried into effect,
it is omitted. See 1817, ch. 151, incorporating
the Havre-de-Grace Ferry Company. |
Passed Jan. 6, 1810. |
An Act authorising the Levy Court of Washington County to levy a
sum of money for the purpose therein mentioned.
Lib. TH. No. 2,
fol. 240. |
Passed Jan. 6, 1810. |
An Act to fix and establish Argyle Alley in the City of Baltimore.
TH. No. 2, fol. 240.
See November 1812, ch. 185. |
Alley established. |
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That all
that part of Argyle-alley north of Fleet-street and south of Wilks-street,
in that part of the city of Baltimore commonly called Fell's
Point, be and remain as it has heretofore been built upon, to correspond
with that part of said alley south of Fleet-street, and be
in a direct line or continuation thereof, and that said alley be not
altered nor changed from the ground heretofore built upon, used
and considered, as such alley, said alley now running parallel with
Market and Anne-streets, and being about two hundred feet east
of the former, and about two hundred and sixty feet west of the
latter part, any thing which certain commissioners in the city of
Baltimore have done respecting said alley to the contrary in any
wise notwithstanding. |
Passed Jan. 6, 1810. |
An Act to alter such parts of the Constitution and Form of Government
of this State as relate to Voters and qualification
of Voters.
Lib. TH. No. 2, fol. 241. |
Every free white
male citizen above
21 years of age,
&c. to vote. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
every free white male citizen of this state, above twenty-one years
of age, and no other, having resided twelve months within this
state and six months in the county, or in the city of Annapolis or
Baltimore, next preceding the election at which he offers to vote,
shall have a right of suffrage, and shall vote, by ballot, in the
election of such county or city, or either of them, for electors of
the president and vice-president of the United States, for representatives
of this state in the congress of the United States, for delegates
to the general assembly of this state, electors of the senate,
and sheriffs. |
Part of constitution
repealed. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all and every part
of the constitution
and form of government of this state repugnant to, or in consistent
with, the provisions of this act, shall be and the same
are hereby abrogated, annulled and made void. |
This act, if confirmed,
to be a
part of the constitution. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if this act shall
be confirmed by
the general assembly, after the next election of delegates, in the
first session after such new election, as the constitution and form
of government directs, that in such case this act, and the alteration
of said constitution contained therein, shall be considered as a part,
and shall constitute and be valid as a part, of the said constitution |