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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 914   View pdf image (33K)
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a company for making an artificial road from the town of
New-Castle, in New-Castle county, to the line of the said state,
and to extend the same artificial road from thence, by the nearest
and best practicable course, to French-town, on Elk river, in Cecil
county, in the state of Maryland, did, by the twenty-seventh section
of the same act, enact, that the same act, with its provisions
and limitations, should commence and take effect immediately after
the legislature of the state of Maryland should authorise and empower
the making of a like artificial road by the same company,
from whence the road therein authorised would strike the line of
that state, by the nearest and best practicable route, to French-town
aforesaid:  And whereas important interest of this state will be promoted
by incorporating the said company, and authorising and empowering
the same company to make a like artificial road as herein
before recited and described, from where the road authorised by
the herein before in part enacted act of the general assembly of the
state of Delaware, which may strike the line of this state, by the
nearest and best practicable route, to French-town aforesaid; therefore,

NOV. 1809.

CHAP. 64.

    2.  BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
it shall be lawful for the commissioners named in the said act of
the general assembly of the state of Delaware, or one or more of
them, or the survivor or survivors of them, or either of the said
survivors, or of other commissioners, or either of them, that may
be appointed for the like purpose by a future act of the said general
assembly, to open, at any time and place, the books provided by
them pursuant to the power and authority given by the same act,
for receiving, and then and there receive, in manner and form
therein prescribed, subscriptions for shares in the said company,
and keep the same books open, adjourning from time to time, until
the whole number of shares of stock in the said company shall be
subscribed, of which adjournment the commissioners aforesaid shall
give notice as the occasion may require; and when the whole number
of shares shall amount to six hundred, (as prescribed and provided
by the said act of the general assembly of the state of Delaware,)
the books shall be closed; Provided always, that every person
offering to subscribe in the said books in his own name, or any
other name, shall previously pay to the attending commissioners
the sum of ten dollars for every share to be subscribed, out of which
shall be defrayed the expenses attending the taking such subscriptions,
and other incidental charges, and the remainder shall be paid
over to the treasurer of the corporation, as soon as the same shall
be organized, and the officers chosen as hereafter mentioned.
Commissioners to
open books for
subscriptions, &c.



    3.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That all money received by the president,
managers and company, of the New-Castle and French-town
turnpike company, in virtue of the said subscription, shall be applicable,
as well to the opening, making and completing, the said
artificial road, where it may pass through any part of the territory
of the state of Delaware, as where it may pass through any part
of the territory of the state of Maryland.
Money how to be
    4.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That when fifty persons, or more, shall
have subscribed six hundred shares of said stock, they shall be
created and erected into one body politic and corporate, in deed
and in law, by the name, style and title, of The President, Managers
Company incorporated.

                        VOL. II.                        27


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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
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