part or parts, place or places thereof, to the contrary in anywise
notwithstanding. |
NOV. 1809.
CHAP. 57. |
7. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the law to which
this is a supplement,
and the supplement formerly passed thereto, be and they are
hereby repealed, so far as the same be inconsistent with, or repugnant
to, this law. |
Acts repealed. |
An Act for the benefit of Elizabeth Barnet, of Washington County.
Lib. TH. No. 2, fol. 200. |
Passed Jan. 6, 1810. |
WHEREAS Elizabeth Barnet, of Washington county,
by her petition
to this general assembly, hath set forth, that she is a widow
with nine children, and without the means of support, except from
her personal labour, which is arduous and hard, and withal inadequate
to the demands of her family, and in addition to her poverty,
her situation is rendered more distressing and deplorable, two of
her daughters, who are twins, about fifteen years of age, are
idiots, and have been so from their infancy, by which misfortune
they are debarred from obtaining a livelihood, and must either perish
by famine or repair to the poor's house of said county, where
their afflictions and infirmities would be deprived of the attention
of a parent, which their unhappy situation requires, and praying
that the levy court of Washington county may levy a small sum
of money to assist her labours in the support of her numerous family;
and the prayer thereof appearing reasonable, therefore, |
Preamble. |
2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the levy court of Washington county shall be and they are hereby
directed and empowered, at their annual levy, to assess and levy,
on the assessable property of said county, a sum of money, not
exceeding thirty dollars, for the support and maintenance of the
said Elizabeth Barnet, and that the same be collected annually by
the collector of Washington county, and paid to such person as
the levy court of said county shall or may direct. |
Levy authorised
for her support. |
An Act to empower the Administrator of Joseph Baxter, late Sheriff
of Cecil County, to collect the Fees put into the hands of the said
Baxter for collection in his life-time. Lib.
TH. No. 2, fol. 201. |
Passed Jan. 6, 1810. |
An Act authorising William Bruce, late Sheriff and Collector of
County, to complete his Collections. Lib.
TH. No. 2, fol.
202. |
Passed Jan. 6, 1810. |
An act authorising Thomas Greenwell to remove his Negroes from
the State of Virginia into this State. Lib.
TH. No. 2, fol. 203. |
Passed Jan. 6, 1810. |
An Act to admit Persons conscientiously scrupulous of taking an
to serve as Jurors. Lib. TH. No. 2, fol. 203.
A Supplement, 1815, ch. 182. |
Passed Jan. 6, 1810. |
WHEREAS persons conscientiously scrupulous of taking
an oath
are deprived of a full participation of the rights of citizenship, |
Preamble. |