and they are hereby authorised and empowered, by a lottery or
lotteries, to raise the sum of sixty thousand dollars, to be applied
to the payment of the debt or debts incurred by the said company
on the works of the said canal, and also in the widening the locks
of the said canal, and extending the same, and improving the navigation
of the bed of the river above the canal. |
JUNE. 1809.
CHAP. 14. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That before the said
governor and directors
shall proceed to sell and dispose of any ticket or tickets of
said lottery or lotteries, they shall first give bond and security
this state, and lodge the same with he governor and council, in
the penalty of one hundred and twenty thousand dollars, with condition,
that they will well and truly apply so much of the money
arising therefrom, within sixty days after the drawing thereof, as
will pay the fortunate adventurers for prizes drawn by them in
said lottery, and the residue to be applied and disbursed to the
payment of the debts of the said company, to the widening and
making new locks, to the improvement and extending of the said
canal, and to the improvement of the navigation of the bed of the
said river. |
Before they proceed
to sell tickets
to give bond and
security. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said governor
and directors
shall render an account to the governor and council of this state of
the money so received by them, and of the expenditure thereof. |
To render account
to governor and
council of money
received. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said governor
and directors
shall be empowered and are hereby authorised to sell and dispose
of the tickets in the said lottery or lotteries, within any city, county
or town, of this state. |
Authorised to sell
tickets in any part
of the state. |
A Further Additional Supplementary Act to an act (a), entitled,
act for regulating the mode of staying Executions,
and repealing
the Act of Assembly therein mentioned.
Lib. TH. No. 2, fol. 142.
(a) 1791, ch. 67. See Nov. 1809, ch. 172. |
Passed June 10. |
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
from and after the fourth day of July next, the act of the congress
of the United States (b), entitled, An act laying an embargo on
all ships and vessels in the ports and harbours of the United
States, and the several supplementary acts thereto, so far as they
relate to the provisions contained in the acts of the general assembly
of Maryland, passed at the last session, chapters nineteen and
one hundred fifteen, being further supplements to the act to
which this is a further additional supplementary act, shall be
deemed, considered and taken, to be wholly repealed and annulled.
(b) December 1807, ch. 5. |
Act repealed. |
An Act to alter the thirty-second and thirty-seventh Articles of
Constitution and Form of Government. Lib.
TH. No. 2, fol. 142. |
Passed June 10. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
hereafter, upon the death, resignation, or removal out of this state,
of the governor, it shall not be necessary to call a meeting of the
legislature to fill the vacancy occasioned thereby, but the first named
of the council for the time being, shall qualify and act as governor
until the next meeting of the general assembly, at which
meeting a governor shall be chosen in the manner heretofore appointed
and directed. |
Upon death, &c.
of the governor,
legislature not to
be called, but first
named of the council
to act. |