5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the road from Baltimore
York-town, to the Pennsylvania line, as at present located, turnpiked
and licensed, be and the same is hereby confirmed. |
JUNE 1809.
CHAP. 2.
From Baltimore
towards York-town
confirmed. |
A Further Supplement to an act *, entitled, An act to extend Centre-Street
in the Northern Precincts of the City of Baltimore,
and to
build a Bridge therein across Jones's Falls. Lib.
TH. No. 2, fol. 126. |
Passed June 9.
* 1807, ch. 31. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
William Copland Goldsmith be and he is hereby appointed commissioner,
to act in conjunction with the commissioners, or a majority
of them, in fulfilling and discharging the duties assigned to
them by an act † to which this is a supplement, in the room and place
of Aquila Miles, late of the city of Baltimore, deceased. |
Additional commissioner
† 1808, ch. 117. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the levy court
of Baltimore county
are hereby authorised and directed to fill up all vacancies that
may hereafter take place, either through death or resignation of
any of the commissioners appointed for the purpose of opening and
extending Centre-street, and building a bridge therein across Jones's
Falls out of such monies as shall be appropriated for that purpose. |
Levy court to fill
up vacancies hereafter. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That should the aforesaid
neglect or refuse to fulfil the duties assigned to them by the
eighth day of September next, it shall and may be lawful for the
levy court of Baltimore county as aforesaid, and they are hereby
authorised and directed, at their first sitting after such refusal or
neglect of the aforesaid commissioners, or any of them, to remove
all or any of the said commissioners, upon the petition of five or
more respectable citizens of Baltimore county, and to appoint certain
other commissioners, invested with equal powers, in the room
and place of any of the aforesaid commissioners thus removed;
Provided, that nothing herein be construed so as to obligate the
commissioners to enter into any contracts for the payment of any
monies, except such monies as it may be lawful demand, agreeable
to the appropriations of the acts to which this is a supplement, or
any other monies that may be offered and obtained as a loan or subscription
towards the building of the aforesaid bridge. |
And may remove
commissioners for
neglect, &c.
Proviso. |
An Act to authorise and empower William Stansbury, and Ellen Kent
Stansbury his Wife, to devise and lease the piece of
Ground therein
mentioned. Lib. TH. No. 2, fol. 127.
A Private Act. |
Passed June 9. |
An Act to prescribe the time which Jurors shall serve in Baltimore
County. Lib. TH. No. 2, fol. 128. |
Passed June 9. |
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
from and after the present session of assembly, the sheriff of Baltimore
county shall summon twenty-five persons to serve as jurors,
during the second, third and fourth weeks of the term of Baltimore
county court, twenty-five other persons to serve during the next
three weeks of said court, and twenty-five other persons to serve
during the remainder of the term.
See 1808, ch. 14, and 1816, ch. 139. |
Jurors, how to be
summoned. |