CHAP. 158. |
the said John Shank, and praying a law may pass authorising the
levy court of Washington county to appoint commissioners to review
the ground, and report whether a better direction for said
road can be fixed upon; and the prayer of the petitioner appearing
reasonable, therefore, |
Levy court to appoint
persons to
review part of a
certain road. |
2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the levy court of Washington county be and they are hereby authorised
to appoint three discreet persons, freeholders in said county,
commissioners to review so much of the road laid out by commissioners
from Peter Baker's to Robert Hughes', under the act of
eighteen hundred and six, as far as said road runs through the estate
of John Shank, of Washington county, and if, in the opinion of
the said commissioners, a different and more eligible route can be
adopted by altering the direction of the said road, the said commissioners
shall return a plot of the said alteration, if any should be
made by them, to the said levy court. |
If road, as altered,
should be confirmed,
court to open
the same agreeably
to former act. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if the levy court
of Washington
county should confirm the said road, so as aforesaid altered, that
then the said levy court shall proceed to open and clear the said
road, agreeably to the provisions of the act, entitled, An act to lay
out and open a road in Washington county, passed at November
session, one thousand eight hundred and six, and the said road for
ever thereafter shall be deemed a public highway, and kept in repair
as other public roads in said county are. |
Allowance to
commissioners. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commissioners
appointed by
this act shall receive the same compensation as the commissioners
appointed by the act passed November session, eighteen hundred
and six, entitled, An act to lay out and open a road in Washington
county. |
Passed Jan. 20, 1808. |
An Act to establish a Board of Agriculture for Charles County.
TH. No. 1, fol. 505. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS societies for the promotion of agriculture
and domestic
manufactures would, by exciting a spirit of emulation, and by
diffusing useful information, tend much to the advancement of the
prosperity of the state, and ought to be encouraged; therefore, |
Board of agriculture
erected. |
2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That
there be erected, and hereby is erected, a board of agriculture in
Charles county, in the state of Maryland, and that the said board
of agriculture be regulated under the management and direction of
thirteen trustees, in the manner herein after mentioned. |
Managers appointed
—incorporated. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That Robert Fergusson,
Caleb Hawkins,
Charles Smith, Philip Stewart, Francis Newman, John Campbell,
Joseph Green, Henry H. Chapman, George Parnham, Robert Brent,
Alexander Green, Samuel Chapman and Clement Dorsey, be and
they are hereby appointed managers of the said board of agriculture,
and the said managers, and their successors, to be elected in the
manner herein after mentioned, shall be, and they are hereby erected
and declared to be, a body politic, in deed and in law, by the
name of The Managers of the Board of Agriculture for Charles
county, by which name and title they the said managers, and their
successors, shall be capable to take and hold, to them and their
successors, fro the use of the said board of agriculture, monies or |