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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 731   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 40.


                                LAWS OF MARYLAND.

an out-pensioner, in addition to the number now allowed by the
act (a), entitled, An act to enlarge the powers of the trustees of
the poor in the several counties therein designated, and to allow to
the said Jane Bradman a sum for her support, not exceeding thirty
dollars annually, to be paid at such time as the said trustees shall
direct, the amount of said sum to be levied and collected in the
same manner as other expenses of the poor of the said county are
levied and collected; Provided, that the application of the said
Anastatia Campbell, for the said Jane Bradman to be supported as
an out-pensioner, shall be recommended by the levy court of Montgomery

                                    (a)  1799, ch. 65.  See 1800, ch. 73.


Passed Jan. 20, 1808.
                                            CHAP. LXI.
An Act for the benefit of the Joined Evangelic Lutheran and Evangelic
    Presbyterian Congregation of Saint-Paul's Church, in Washington
Lib. TH. No. 1, fol. 347.

*  1802, ch. 111.

    WHEREAS a certain tract or parcel of land, situate in Washington
county, hath heretofore been conveyed by Richard Shipley, late
of the county aforesaid, deceased, to trustees for the use of the
lutheran and presbyterian congregations, now incorporated agreeably
to an act of assembly *, entitled, An act to incorporate certain
persons in every Christian church or congregation in this state, and
known by the name of The Evangelic Lutheran and Evangelic
Presbyterian Congregations:  And whereas the said congregations
have by their petition, requested that a title in fee to the tract of
land above mentioned may be declared and confirmed to them and
their successors; therefore,
Land now vested
in trustees vested
in the vestry of
the church.
    2.  BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the said tract or parcel of land, with all and singular the appertances
thereunto belonging or in any way appertaining, which is
now vested as aforesaid in trustees for the use of said congregation,
shall be and the same is hereby absolutely and unconditionally vested
in the vestry of the evangelic lutheran and evangelic presbyterian
congregation, and the successors of said body corporate,
power, and they shall and are hereby declared to be capable of
bargaining and selling, leasing and conveying, the said tract or
parcel of ground, or any part thereof, in as full and effectual a
manner as any person or body corporate may or can do.

Passed Jan. 20, 1808.
                                       CHAP. XLII.
An Act to authorise the drawing of a Lottery within the City of Baltimore
    for the purpose therein mentioned. 
Lib. TH. No. 1, fol. 
Preamble.     WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, by the president
of the Liberty Fire Company, on behalf of himself and the
members of the said company, that they are possessed of a valuable
lot of ground in the city of Baltimore, upon which is erected
an engine-house, which is now much decayed; that the said lot is
sufficiently large to admit a house capable of containing two engines
below, and a room above to answer for a commodious school,
and a place of meeting of said company to transact their business,
the profits of which would greatly alleviate the expenses which necessarily
occur by their meeting at public houses, and praying that

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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
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