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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 730   View pdf image (33K)
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certificate form the cashier of the branch bank at Frederick, that
he is not in arrear to the said branch by means of protested note or
notes; And provided also, that such person shall not stand in arrear
to the bank at Annapolis.


CHAP. 38.

    14.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That the general dividend being declared
at Annapolis, agreeably to charter, the stockholders residing
in Frederick, Allegany and Washington counties, shall be entitled
to receive their dividends at the Frederick-town Branch Bank,
under such rules and limitations as shall be found necessary and
convenient by the directors of the mother bank.
Dividend to be
paid at Frederick-town.
    15.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That the operations of the branch bank
at Frederick-town shall commence on the first Monday of April
next, eighteen hundred and eight; and the president and directors
of the mother bank shall, in the mean-time, have plates for said
branch bank prepared, the notes struck, signed by the president
and cashier, and placed in the Frederick-town branch, in time for 
the insertion in the body of the note of the name of the president
of the branch bank.
Operations, when
to commence.
    16.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That the directors of the mother bank
shall form by-laws, rules and regulations, for the government of
the branch bank at Frederick-town. 
By-laws to be
framed by directors
of mother bank.
    17.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That all notes offered for discounts at
the branch bank aforesaid by any person, shall, on the face thereof,
be made negotiable at the Farmers Bank of Maryland, and when
the drawer shall not reside in Frederick-town, such note shall be
made payable at the house of some person in Frederick-town; in all
cases of notes discounted at the said branch bank, notice given or
left by the proper servant of the bank, at the house where the said
discounted note shall be made payable, that such note hath become
due, shall be, to all intents and purposes, held and considered to be,
as completely binding on the drawers and endorsers, as if notice
had been personally served on each of them.
Notes to be made
negotiable at Farmers
                                    CHAP. XXXIX.
An Act to confirm certain Deeds of Conveyance made to Joseph Leonard,
    and other persons therein named. 
A Private Act.  Lib. TH.
    No. 1, fol. 345.

Passed Jan. 15, 1808.
                                        CHAP. XL.
An Act to enlarge the powers of the Trustees of the Poor of Montgomery
                         County.  Lib. TH. No. 1, fol. 346.
Passed Jan. 15, 1808.
    WHEREAS Anastatia Campbell, of Montgomery county, by her
petition to this general assembly, hath set forth, that she is a widow
with three children, and has had for sometime past to support, in
addition to her own family, an infant girl by the name of Jane
Bradman, who is deprived of the use of her limbs, is speechless
and an idiot, and praying that the said Jane Bradman may be supported
as an out-pensioner; and the prayer of the petitioner appearing
reasonable, therefore,
    2.  BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
it shall and may be lawful for the trustees of the poor of Montgomery
county, if they shall be of opinion that the peculiar circumstances
of the said Jane Bradman are such as to render a situation
in the poor-house particularly unsuitable for her, to support her as
Levy authorised
for support of 
Jane Bradman.

                        VOL. II.                            4


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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
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